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by manakoAT at 4:36 PM EDT on April 15, 2013
@Hotcakes, There's a seperate set for ToAU.

edited 4:36 PM EDT April 15, 2013
by Infernus Animositas at 1:08 PM EDT on April 20, 2013
Snakemeat or HCS, Is there any more work being done to support multichannel XVAG in vgmstream?
by snakemeat at 4:29 PM EDT on April 22, 2013
Nothing in the works on my end. Other priorities in life right now.
by dormouse at 11:11 PM EDT on September 12, 2013
<please delete>

edited 11:49 PM EDT September 12, 2013
by Knurek at 12:15 PM EST on February 6, 2014
Can anyone with some VAG knowledge take a look at Frantix PSP

From what I've seen the SWAG files are just two VAGp files joined, but they seem to have some some fields in the header swapped from Big Endian to Little Endian, resulting in no playback in VGMStream currently even after splitting them manually.

Any chance for adding support to those for pmh inclusion?
by peronmls at 12:53 PM EST on February 6, 2014
How can I convert more than one file? Do i have to type them all in a batch?
by Nisto at 1:32 PM EST on February 6, 2014
I'm assuming you mean with test.exe.. ?

cd %~dp0
for %%i in (*.file_ext_here) do test.exe -o "%%i.wav" "%%i"
by soneek at 5:00 PM EST on February 6, 2014
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff, but if anyone gets a chance to understand BCSTM files, that would be great. The format seems pretty similar to BRSTM, but with some little endian stuff instead of big endian.

BCSTM from Transformers Prime: The Game

Sir-Sabin got that out of the Wii game, so it seems like the developers accidentally mixed up the 3DS files in there. It's nice to have though since we'll hopefully be able to dump BCSTM streams through FCRAM soon.
by peronmls at 12:03 PM EST on February 7, 2014
it doesn't work. Im guessing i need to replace one of the text in that but I dont know what to replace.
by Nisto at 3:42 PM EST on February 7, 2014
replace "file_ext_here" with the proper extension for whatever you're converting.

Place the code in a .bat file, and place the .bat file in the same folder that the audio files are in. Also put test.exe in that folder, or alternatively specify an absolute path to test.exe. Here's a full example:

cd %~dp0
for %%i in (*.adx) do "C:\vgm tools\vgmstream\test.exe" -o "%%i.wav" "%%i"

You can add PAUSE on a new line at the end to see potential error messages or whatever (otherwise the window immediately closes).

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