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by kode54 at 11:38 PM EDT on March 16, 2014
by hcs at 2:31 AM EDT on March 17, 2014
Er, yeah, can't see any sense to that, just a brain fart. Yay for regression testing.

Speaking of which, it has long been a dream of mine to collect a test suite for vgmstream, at least one file of every type. Is anyone else interested in this? Curating it could be painful. We could include files that don't yet have support to give a public example of what needs fixing.

Might be possible to steal FATE for this.

edited 3:50 AM EDT March 17, 2014
by Knurek at 6:48 AM EDT on March 17, 2014
I'll be glad to help. Can't really say I have every file type supported by VGMStream on hand, but it'd be a start.
by snakemeat at 9:26 AM EDT on March 17, 2014
I could help as well. So anyone have luck getting ATRAC3+ into the Sourceforge repository? I couldn't get it working.

Or, is github the new repository?
by kode54 at 9:17 PM EDT on March 18, 2014
Github is just my working version fork. I try to keep it in sync, but it has more commits than just the tagged SVN revisions.

I'll try to get parts of FFMPEG into the source tree to replace multiple decoders, including MP3 and Vorbis (yes, they fixed that issue with next/prev fields being wrong.), and ATRAC3/+. Looks like it will be a pain, though.
by snakemeat at 10:38 PM EDT on March 18, 2014
Thanks a lot, would love to get an MSF meta in place for this PS3 stuff.
by Dais! at 5:34 PM EDT on March 26, 2014
while using vgmstream for Foobar, is there any reason to also use the ADPCM decoders plugin? I thought the former would cover all of the latter, but as usual, I don't understand most of this stuff.

actually, come to think of it, would I have a decently rounded understanding of AT3+ by reading this thread and the streamed VGM distribution thread? I downloaded a number of PSP sets to test out and I'd like to know more about the process involved, but all the information seems to be spread out across this forum.
by kode54 at 9:34 PM EDT on March 26, 2014
foo_adpcm is actually faster at decoding all supported formats, but the performance of Vgmstream is already incredibly fast and not worth bothering about. foo_adpcm already disables various formats it supports if it detects a second input handling one of the extension types it checks.
.nwa problems by Kurausukun at 11:06 PM EDT on April 15, 2014
In both your foobar adpcm and foobar vgmstream components, .nwa files will immediately cause a crash. No idea what causes it, and it's only on the foobar components. I can post a crash dump .txt if you need, thanks in advance. (Also in response to your earlier request, I am happy to submit any file formats you need for archiving/testing/suite purposes.)
by kode54 at 11:34 PM EDT on April 15, 2014
I'll need your NWA files instead.

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