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by bxaimc at 6:08 AM EDT on July 8, 2014
It's been a known problem for years now. Not sure if it's something that can be fixed or might be something relating to anti-piracy methods.
by Feldspar at 1:45 AM EDT on August 12, 2014
Playback support for XMA format or will not be?
by Krude at 1:50 PM EDT on August 29, 2014
I haven't been keeping up.

Can vgmstream play Atrac3plus files from a PSP now? The ones with a RIFF Wave header.
I can decode them with tools from the internet, but it would be great to be able to play them with proper looping.
by dissident93 at 6:44 PM EDT on August 29, 2014
I believe they can play Atrac3plus, but not Atrac3 (or do I have it backwards?)
by agu fungus at 6:19 AM EDT on September 4, 2014
May I give a suggestion for the next version of vgmstream? How about channel disabling? Good for multi-channel streams that we have no idea how to split, or we are too lazy to split.
by Mario Kinnikuman at 3:43 PM EDT on September 6, 2014
I'm using Winamp. Updating to the latest VGMstream plugin, r1037, is anyone else having issues with .FSB playback? I notice some sets, like LA Noire from the Josh W X360 archive are no longer working.

Last VGMsteam version it worked with: r1024.

edited 8:52 PM EDT September 6, 2014
by soneek at 11:12 AM EST on February 26, 2015
Just copied over from the dspw thread, but here's a test executable and Winamp plugin with AT3+ support.

"Test executable and Winamp plugin

In addition to the normal external dlls, you'll need the atrac3plus and lib719 dlls."
by Kirishima at 11:22 AM EST on February 26, 2015
How about regular at3 files like the ones from Darkstalkers Chronicles, or do they not have loop data so it would be pointless. For some reason, google chrome thinks the dlls above are "harmful".
by godzfire at 5:19 AM EST on February 28, 2015
So having confirmed that nothing on OSX runs VG streams like at3's and xa's and other stuff vgmstream runs, is there any chance something can be ported over OSX side, since there's no way of listening to them otherwise.
by kode54 at 10:20 PM EST on February 28, 2015
Cog has the latest vgmstream, but not for file association, because I don't feel like editing all those dozens of extensions into the Info.plist.

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