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by godzfire at 12:51 AM EST on March 1, 2015
Cog looks like a potentially great player, the only problem is, how do I access vgmstream's config menu to adjust it's playback? I like setting it's open not to fade and just continuously loop. I can do this in WinAmp.
by Kirishima at 10:44 AM EST on March 7, 2015
I've tried the foobar version a while ago by kode54, but i have a problem with it. Unlike the winamp version, this version ends up using half of my cpu's resources (a 2-core cpu). Is there any way to fix this?
by Kurausukun at 12:33 PM EST on March 7, 2015
Buy a better computer?
by kode54 at 4:02 PM EST on March 7, 2015
foobar version should not be using all resources of a single core, and the Cog version will loop indefinitely if you set track playback order to Repeat One.
foobar CPU fix by Yoshinkeru at 4:48 AM EDT on March 8, 2015
I used to wonder why my foobar would use so much CPU as well. I have both a desktop and laptop, and one time, I discovered that the laptop player was not using CPU. Eventually, I figured out that it was the library scanner setting; when I turned that off, it stopped using so much. Try that.
by Kirishima at 12:15 PM EDT on March 8, 2015
That fixed it... hopefully. Now I just need to figure out some weird playlist issues...
by fever1 at 1:08 PM EDT on March 24, 2015
Fatal fury battle archives 2 SVAG(m) still don't play in Winamp. There some info in page 51 about some keys but I don't know how to make it work.
by Koto at 1:00 PM EDT on March 28, 2015
The latest vgmstream doesn't support some idsp of Super Smash Bros. 3DS

snd_bgm_SEQ item Goldenhammer_3DS.idsp

It would be great that support for them can be added in the next release :3

See ya
by Richter X at 9:54 AM EDT on April 6, 2015
The "King of King's Song" MIB in We Love Katamari is stuttering in Foobar's version. Probably that interleave bug again.
by robotortoise at 8:02 PM EDT on April 6, 2015
I have a request: Can vgmstream be made to automatically implement looping cues whenever it spits out a .wav file?

Specifically, this kind:

I'm work with a lot of video game music in the Source Engine, and it's a huge pain to loop the .wavs manually. It'd be a huge help if someone could figure out how to get it to automatically export with the loop points intact!

P.S. One more thing: What's up with the google search results for vgmstream? Sourceforge and hcs64's file index come up, and neither of those have been updated in years. The kode54 github clone is the only recent one. Could the owners of those respective repositories either update the files, or delete them? I think it makes people (newbies) confused when searching for vgmstream....

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