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- by the_miker at 12:54 PM EDT on June 5, 2010
- I'm ripping music from an Xbox 360 game at the moment and just wanted to say that all is going well thanks to unxwb, xma_parse, towav, and all the awesome info posted in these forums!
I do have a question though, and hopefully it's not a stupid one. Is there a header I can use for a 1 channel mono file? The stereo header that hcs posted worked perfectly for everything I've ripped so far, even the 6 channel files, just not for this one stubborn mono track. I tried using the stereo header and got 2 seconds of ear abuse. It's probably not gonna be worth the trouble since it's most likely a sound effect or something, but I'd like a complete set.
I uploaded the file (with xsb) here if anyone wants to take a look: (1.56MB)
Also, just to confirm what I did so far, I used this command with unxwb:
unxwb.exe -R -b bgm.xsb 0xd9d bgm.xwb
and then this command in xma_parse:
xma_test.exe bgm00.dat -b 10000 -r bgm00.xma
That's for the 2 channel files. For the 6 channel files I did -o 800 and -o 1000 and they sound fine.
Does all that look good? The files sound perfect when played, just looking for some confirmation that I did it right since this is uncharted territory for me.
Thanks! This site rocks so hard!
- GW RE2 by Brownondorf at 1:33 PM EDT on June 5, 2010
- Hello
Can someone explain me how to decode the Geometry Wars 2 XMA? Because i don't understand anything on how to do it (like how to remove the first 100 bytes of the files ;) )
- by hcs at 2:14 PM EDT on June 5, 2010
- Here's a mono header
- by the_miker at 6:19 PM EDT on June 5, 2010
- Thanks hcs!
But now instead of getting 2 seconds of ear torture, I get 5, haha. I'm beginning to think bgm24.dat is just junk data. Can someone please download it and see if they can figure something out? It's the only BGM file off the whole disc that I can't get to play properly. :(
From unxwb's -l report:
1689600 ??? 47999 1 16 bgm24.dat
- by hcs at 6:26 PM EDT on June 5, 2010
- You may have to change the sample rate. XMA can be 22050, 32000, 44100, or 48000 Hz (iirc) and it does affect the encoding. Here's a 48khz mono header which may be what you need.
edited 6:27 PM EDT June 5, 2010
- by the_miker at 12:17 AM EDT on June 6, 2010
- Did anyone ever tell hcs that he's the man? That 48khz mono header did the trick. Ended up being a real song too, 2:17 in length, so I'm glad I didn't just disregard it. THANK YOU!
- by OrangeC at 6:29 AM EDT on June 6, 2010
- You can also easily change the sample rate in hex by clicking the cogwheel in hex workhop or using a hex calculator.
for example.
48000 80BB 44100 44AC 32000 007D
- by the_miker at 3:33 PM EDT on June 6, 2010
- bcass wrote this on October 3rd of '09:
"The Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) 3.0 can be used to create XMA Wave Banks and Sound Banks. This application comes with Microsoft Game Studio 3.1. This could be used to recreate loop points while maintaining the original format (dump XWBs then recompile with loop information in an XACT project file)."
Did anyone ever successfully do this? I have XACT 3.0 installed but not sure how to go about dumping my XWB (from a retail game disc) into a format that XACT can import as wav files while keeping the loop info. Any ideas?
Edit: I'm guessing I need to have xmaencode.exe decode the XMA files to PCM and then those PCM wavs will keep the loop info, which I can then import into XACT. So I'm now asking how to get xmaencode.exe to recognize the XMA files dumped with unxwb and/or xma_parse.
Also, thanks OrangeC for the info, next time I'll try that. ;)
edited 3:54 PM EDT June 6, 2010
edited 3:55 PM EDT June 6, 2010
- by bxaimc at 7:32 PM EDT on June 6, 2010
- the problem with that is that the xma parser/unxwb will give you headerless files when you export them.
- by Azu at 1:19 PM EDT on June 10, 2010
- I was told there was some XMA files in this file.
I use the XMA_Phrase and got this.
"filename: VOBTL.spb
version: XMA2
offset: 0
block size: 8000
data size: 4fd7800
output filename: file.xma
Parse error: skip bits (18728) did not match previous frame overflow (0)"
I'm trying to extract them in to Wavs.
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