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by JFD62780 at 6:15 PM EDT on April 21, 2016

From the bottom of my Winamp lovin' ears...

THANK YOU for fixing Winamp, even when Radionomy couldn't! You're a SANITY saver, making a build that DON'T ruin plugins for once! XD
by DrO at 8:11 PM EDT on April 22, 2016
JFD62780: if my memory is right, that that change to the installer was done prior to Winamp's sale (might have been around the 5.64 release, but was definitely done by the last release that I worked on) as removing what was going on in the installer was for the best despite what it was intended to do (which made little sense with OS and overall improvements over the years).

hcs: is a bit of self promotion (so hope that's ok) as found too many weren't getting the patched final version (to avoid a library import crash) and since the nicer domain than what I was using became available, thought I'd get it out there a bit more for those who still do want to use Winamp. is just a shame what the current owners haven't done post-sale (so am glad I'm not with them anymore).
by Hotcakes at 6:08 PM EDT on April 23, 2016
Hey Dr, so what's the story with Radionomy anyway? Why buy something you have no interest in?
by DrO at 11:14 AM EDT on April 24, 2016
simply put, they primarily wanted shoutcast and they also had to take winamp (which was deemed the more important off the two). then despite good intentions (or just lying about things - am still uncertain how much of what I was told was / wasn't true now), things haven't worked out as wanted on either products with the concensus being that the shoutcast side of things was going to pay for winamp development.
by Hotcakes at 5:50 PM EDT on April 24, 2016
Huh. So it really is dead now. Shoot.
by DrO at 7:05 PM EDT on April 24, 2016
in january it was stated that they'd reset things to a point before I really started tinkering on things (which was done whilst other stuff was waiting to be confirmed re: licensing) but a lot of that was left in-complete when I was switched full-time to shoutcast (at their instruction).

supposedly some of the stuff I had done was re-implemented but overall the bit that was done by another dev was just replacing some of the existing plug-ins / libraries to get around licensing requirements (so they don't have to pay for licensing things).

the last i'd recently heard was that they weren't paying (or going to pay) the people who they'd been trying to get on-board to do things (it took months to get my back-pay out of them) and it's since all ground to a halt again (which seemed to coincide with the lawsuit against the owners).

and I revoked my allowing the jtfe plug-in to be shipped with their version which is supposedly a reason that some are giving out as the reason for no new release (or them just ignoring my authorship rights). but anything that would be released from what i've been hearing isn't going to be feature complete to even the patched 5.666 release seeing as none of the gracenote stuff works / has a replacement at this time (which for most isn't going to make much of a difference).

so to whether it's dead or not is debatable as to what counts as 'dead'. as people are still using Winamp (not forgetting those die-hard 2.x users), it's just 'official' updates that appear to be not coming and it's over to users to do something about it (which can be done from patching / replacing existing plug-ins) to move things on which tbh is what has been possible to do at any point over the years (e.g. ml_tree and dynamic library were different ways to access the library that would never be natively implemented), just no one really had the need to.
by hcs at 11:31 AM EDT on April 26, 2016
> vgmstream seems to not like it if the header at 0x09 in a CWAV is set to 01.

I've made a merge request for this on kode54's gitlab so it will hopefully get into his foobar2000 build.

Here's a test.exe and winamp build (no idea if the winamp dll works).

edited 11:58 AM EDT April 26, 2016

@DrO: Microsoft Security Essentials is complaining about trojans in those installers. I trust you, and Metadefender doesn't turn up anything, but it's a bit unsettling.

edited 12:30 PM EDT April 26, 2016
by DrO at 4:13 PM EDT on April 26, 2016
hcs: thanks for mentioning it. i've just thrown them at virustotal and all 3 downloads (lite, full, international) get a clean bill of health.

i've also updated to the latest MSE definition (for 26th April) and there's no reported errors so is a bit strange you're seeing that.

though i've been seeing mentions of false positives against nsis based installers again of late so maybe it's related to that (as i've not yet gotten around to re-building the installer to use the latest nsis to avoid the dll loading issue it has).

as the last aol release / patched installer was stripped of any of the ad stuff from the likes of opencandy so that shouldn't be causing problems with detection (as it sadly did too often in the past).
by Hotcakes at 5:57 PM EDT on April 27, 2016
Thanks for the low down, DrO. Much appreciated, as has been much of your work over the years!
by robotortoise at 3:02 AM EDT on April 28, 2016
Thank you, hcs!

It works perfectly!

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