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by bxaimc at 6:54 PM EDT on June 10, 2010
Nope, that won't work. It's just a parser, not a converter. Plus, you don't have the right offset either.
by Azu at 10:27 PM EDT on June 10, 2010
So, is there any way to get the XMA files from them it?
by bxaimc at 8:47 AM EDT on June 11, 2010
A Wav Extractor.
by Azu at 11:23 PM EDT on June 11, 2010
Like, what kind of Wav Extractor?
by Azu at 12:26 AM EDT on June 14, 2010
Like, give an example of a wav extractor.
by bxaimc at 10:34 AM EDT on June 14, 2010
Ok, I've had my fun and you seem persistent. Get VGMToolBox r654 and use the Wav/RIFF extractor under Misc. Tools -> Extraction Tools -> Generic -> Advanced Cutter, and select the RIFF Style Header. Do note that this will only work correctly on files with RIFF headers that need the 8 byte extension. There are some files (other XMA,xWMA, etc.) that need a higher or lower byte extension to the cut size.
by Azu at 12:12 AM EDT on June 15, 2010
Thank you. ;)
Would I find the offset VIA Hex Editor?

edited 12:21 AM EDT June 15, 2010
by Azu at 1:43 PM EDT on June 17, 2010
So, if the the wav file doesn't play right, I need to keep guess the offset of the SBP file?
by bxaimc at 5:17 PM EDT on June 17, 2010
what do you mean if the wav file doesn't play right? Are you trying to play the xma file just like that without converting it?
by Azu at 7:17 AM EDT on June 18, 2010
You said use use the RIFF/Wave option right? When I do that, it exports as a .wav. Should I have it extract as a .XMA? Also, is there a XMA to WAV tool on HCS's main site?

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