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by AnonRunzes at 7:05 PM EDT on August 23, 2016
I'm not done with my issue with vgmstream. Not yet.

I mean, the thing just doesn't support even one .mtaf file... Here's the sample:

Well, it DOES support but when I try the file on the test.exe tool or even on a foobar2000 component, it crashes right away. I hope someone looks into this issue as well.

EDIT: And I forgot to state that this file came from an PS3 version of a game called Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.

edited 7:28 PM EDT August 23, 2016
by kode54 at 8:35 PM EDT on August 24, 2016
I pushed a change to both Github and GitLab that fixes this file. I'll roll out binaries later.
by AnonRunzes at 10:03 PM EDT on August 24, 2016
Huh? But what about the rest? Aren't you missing something?
by 47iscool at 2:16 PM EDT on August 25, 2016
Anyone else having an issue with vgmstream not displaying the correct song lengths?

I reverted to an older version, just to make sure that foobar wasnt the problem.
by AnonRunzes at 10:33 PM EDT on August 31, 2016
And finally, here's an .sgd file that plays like shit. I hope that's enough for you!
by 47iscool at 11:27 AM EDT on September 4, 2016
Nevermind, the fault was mine.
idsp error by Wildbreed at 7:51 PM EDT on September 4, 2016
Hello Guys First off

Mega LinK

I wanted to extract wavs from the nus3bank file

I was using nus3bank editor for the job

however when i try to export the goes to vgmstream for the conversion and gives an error that it cant convert..

I have provided the editor in the "Bank" folder as well as the said nus3bank file from the vita...the editor requires python

Any help would be appreciated
by KirbyKFC at 8:18 AM EDT on September 6, 2016
I got an error for converting a nus3bank file which is from a PSvita game dump.

The result from Google is that there is no information to decode this kind of audio files.

I really need help.
by kode54 at 7:02 PM EDT on September 6, 2016
nus3bank files from PSVita titles contain ATRAC9 audio, which you'll need components from the Sony SDK to decode.

I have found these components, but I will not support them in VGMStream. I will only support a clean room reverse engineering effort.
by Nisto at 3:44 PM EDT on September 9, 2016
Does vgmstream support the .SVAG files from PS2 World Heroes Anthology? The magic is "VAGm", and I think these files are all stereo, but I haven't verified it.

Sample file:!m0JAnBbI!JSxAFX-Rpq4Tl5gNaVrE8A-IcJ3vLltGU4q7sfEjue0

edited 8:28 PM EDT September 9, 2016

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