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by Nisto at 9:20 PM EDT on September 13, 2016
Bump. See last post on previous page.

edited 12:07 AM EDT September 14, 2016
by PewnyPL at 9:57 AM EDT on September 16, 2016
Question, was the MCA type 5 (Monster Hunter 4 U) issue ever solved? I found the seemingly newest version of vgmstream (r1050-50-gd22a43b) but nearly all files have a lot of static in it.
by hcs at 4:58 PM EDT on September 17, 2016
Just want to get this off my chest: I'm pretty sure that most of the MS IMA decoders are broken, as they don't count the extra sample from the frame header. But I don't want to fiddle around with it and find something that uses all the different variations and try to tell by ear whether it is correct and deal with loop points being off and everything... maybe they just ignore that sample and if it was an issue it would have been noticed years ago.

edited 5:19 PM EDT September 17, 2016
by Nisto at 12:31 AM EDT on September 18, 2016
So no one is going to bother with the VAGm .svag files... ?

It seems like it would be EASY to add support considering there are already many VAG variations supported, and most of that code is in one place. I would probably try implementing it myself, but building vgmstream for foobar2000 seems like a ROYAL PAIN (yes I've actually tried), and I can't even find any official instructions on how to build vgmstream whatsoever, so I have no way to test if I even did things right in the end...

There's really nothing unusually complicated about the format.

Header size is 32 (0x20) bytes

Channel count is 2 (this may actually vary though, I'm consistently seeing 0x02 in the World Heroes Anthology headers, and the stream size is specified for each channel)

Sample rate is at offset 0x08

Interleave is 16 (0x10) bytes

I also noticed World Heroes Anthology has already been uploaded by someone on joshw's server. Now, really, what's the point of having these .svag files up there if nothing can play them?
by AnonRunzes at 12:43 AM EDT on September 18, 2016
Well, either kode54 or hcs might notice your whining about these files. That is, if they even have the determination into looking at your issue.

edited 12:43 AM EDT September 18, 2016
by AnonRunzes at 11:18 AM EDT on September 18, 2016
In the meantime let's flood this thread with samples.

edited 11:24 AM EDT September 18, 2016
by Nisto at 2:16 PM EDT on October 27, 2016
Any chance we can get support for MSF in the foobar2000 version? It's supported in the Winamp version.. :(
by AnonRunzes at 3:00 PM EDT on October 27, 2016
@Nisto - Seems like hcs or kode54 thinks this thread are less revelant to them than their vgmstream' repositories.
by bnnm at 5:53 PM EDT on October 27, 2016
As a learning exercise I added support for World Heroes / FF Battle Archives 2 .SVAG to kode54's github.

Works well in test.exe, but I have yet to investigate how to build the foobar2000 plugin (I take you can use Visual Studio 2015 Community, all +10GB of it).
For now you'll have to wait until kode54 recompiles it.
by Nisto at 6:35 PM EDT on October 27, 2016
Ahh, great, thank you bnnm. Yeah, compiling it is really the harder part here..

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