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by bxaimc at 11:18 PM EST on February 9, 2014
Why does it have to be .BCWAV and not .bcwav?
by TheUltimateKoopa at 9:18 AM EST on February 10, 2014
by Team Fail at 10:49 AM EST on February 10, 2014
.bcwav and .BCWAV are the exact same thing. It just reads the Magic in the file and copies it. Other than that, they both read the same.
by dj4uk6cjm at 12:29 PM EST on February 10, 2014
Late on the post but I had time to convert and listen to the midi files. Super Mario 3D Land & Ocarina of Time 3D Midis

Edit: Nevermind I had to convert them one at a time for some reason.

Also you can use punks ocarina of time soundfont for further analysis into the midis, btw I got word that he might work on the ocarina of time 3ds soundfont :) cross your fingers guys.

Why is the miniboss theme so garbled? Really all the other midis outputed just fine except that. :(

edited 5:03 PM EST February 10, 2014
by bxaimc at 11:02 PM EST on February 10, 2014
@Team Fail: It was a joke, dude.
by dj4uk6cjm at 7:52 AM EST on February 11, 2014
Off-Topic: Now that oot 3ds sequences are rippable and converted into midi, does anyone mind taking another look at the oot 64 zseqs and making a converter for them? Would love to see the difference between the midis.
by Team Fail at 10:40 AM EST on February 11, 2014
Would it be possible if I could see the CSEQ converter? I'd like to play around with it a bit.

Edit: The 3D Lands one are all 1KB in size and fail to play.

edited 10:42 AM EST February 11, 2014
by TheUltimateKoopa at 10:54 AM EST on February 11, 2014
Actually they're mostly 58 bytes, with one being 38 bytes, one being 45 bytes, and one being 50 bytes.
by soneek at 11:05 AM EST on February 11, 2014
Converter is on the previous page. And yeah, the CSEQs in 3D Land aren't music or anything, so that's why they don't convert properly.
by Team Fail at 11:52 AM EST on February 11, 2014
Ah, I see. Well, I'll be sure to add CSEQ support to the next version of my application (I've actually just finished coding it in, so if any other formats are uncovered, I can add those before launch). C++ is currently black magic to me (Although I'll know it a bit better in a few months as I'm learning it in school right now) but hopefully your command-line converter gets better with time. I didn't think it'd get documented this fast lmao.

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