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by bnnm at 5:36 PM EST on January 8, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes:
- Added .nps extension [Venus & Braves PS2]
- Added ATRAC3/XMA in VAWX (.xwv) [Moon Diver, No More Heroes X360]
- Added .swag [Frantix PSP]
- Added PS2 VDS/VDM [Graffiti Kingdom]
- Added CXS [Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)]
- (dev) Moved coding/layout/meta switch-case descriptions to list in formats.c
- (dev) Minor cleanups
- (dev) FFmpeg: remove ACCURATE_LOOPING flag now it's battle-tested


@vajuvaju - I think you misunderstand the list. Those are 'bad' XMA from joshw, should play ok if re-ripped.
Many come from packed XWB, which are problematic, but maybe I could add some kind of multistream support (GBS-like m3u?).
Other than 6ch support and some looping issues I'm investigating, XMA work fine.
by Knurek at 2:04 AM EST on January 9, 2017
Wouldn't it be better to make a proper XWB extractor? aluigi has one on his site, but it doesn't generate proper headers. It has a source included IIRC, so might be easiest to go that route.
by bnnm at 4:45 PM EST on January 12, 2017
Well, there is (some) support for single-stream XWB in vgmstream, and it would be simple to extend it to multi-streams.
Plus for preservation I'd rather have the original files (it's not really "proper" header if you make it up...).
by Infernus Animositas at 6:08 AM EST on January 13, 2017
I've got some original audio files from Quantum Theory for you to look at.

Quantum Theory Samples
by Knurek at 1:29 AM EST on January 14, 2017

Here are the samples for those unplayable 6 channel idsp files (alongside playable 2 channel ones):

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Wii U Edition (2012-11-18)(Namco Bandai)
by bnnm at 5:59 PM EST on January 14, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes:
- Added ATRAC3/XMA in GSP/GSB [Quantum Theory (PS3/X360)]
- Fixed GSP+GSB DSP total samples [Super Swing Golf (NGC)]
- Fixed 6ch "multi" IDSP [Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Wii U)]
- Fixed SCD XMA [Final Fantasy XIII (X360)]
- Added SCD ATRAC3plus [Lord of Arcana (PSP)]
- (dev) reorganized some stuff
by plpl3000 at 9:44 PM EST on January 14, 2017
DRAGON QUEST X wiiu ver scd


by vajuvaju at 11:57 AM EST on January 16, 2017
foobar now crashes with the latest vgmstream update when trying to play the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 5.1 files. They worked perfectly with the previous update. foobar says the crash is caused by the waveform seekbar component (it, too, worked fine with the same files previously).
by bnnm at 3:00 PM EST on January 16, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes:
- Added SCD DSP Wii U [Dragon Quest X (Wii U)]
- Fixed regression in Xbox codecs
- Big speedup in test.exe, and Winamp/foobar seeking in some cases
- (dev) I/O optimizations
- (dev) easier Visual Studio builds for foobar/test/winamp


@vajuvaju - I think that'll be fixed soon, redownload later.
by vajuvaju at 4:06 PM EST on January 16, 2017
@bnnm Yes! All good.

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