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by AnonRunzes at 2:52 PM EST on February 18, 2017
@bnnm - "not enough samples, and how were they extracted?"
Wait a minute, are you saying you want me to bombard you with MORE samples!?

Anyway, these .mss files were extracted from the XBOX version of Shellshock Nam` 67 using my own script.

These .msf/.xwma files came from their respective versions of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. I used the script for extracting the files in the Xbox 360 version of the game(yeah I modified the script for assigning 32-bit hashes as the filenames), while for the PS3 version I used the script.

Is that enough explaining for you?
by bnnm at 3:16 PM EST on February 18, 2017
Well, I can't do much with a couple of samples per format. Maybe somebody else can.
by AnonRunzes at 9:12 AM EST on February 26, 2017
Umm, hey. So, I just came here with a few samples coming out of the Xbox 360 version(and the only one I have in my HDD) of the 2007 Shadowrun game. Here:


This was the first game to use the "Wwise" middleware.

edited 10:00 AM EST February 26, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 2:04 PM EST on February 26, 2017
It seems to be a mixture of typical X360 formats but nothing Wwise specific. I managed to play 27 files as Big Endian 16-bit PCM (changed their original extensions to "lwav") and 5 other ones as Xbox Media Audio 2 (adding them to playlist as *.xma tracks). 42 remaining ones also appear to be XMA2 with standard "RIFF WAVEfmt" headers but proper support for them should be added I guess. We can always return to old procedure of decoding XMAs to PCM with ToWAV I guess if we can't wait to listen to these currently unplayable tracks.
Bye, I hope I was of some help to you!

BIG Edit: here's a set with changed extensions containing files ready to be played (*.lwav;!*.xma) or converted to PCM with ToWAV (*.xma). I believe this will save you quite some time if you don't wanna go into renaming given WAVs all by yourself.

BTW huge thanks for providing the streams, I've been wanting to check Xbox version of the game for years now but I couldn't find any decent DL links for an image. All I had for a very long time was PC rip where BGM was mostly in 4-bit IMA (?) ADPCM but you had to scan some bigfile (base.* or something) to find & extract them.

Cheers, all the best and see ya soon!

edited 2:33 PM EST February 26, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 2:28 PM EST on February 26, 2017
Well, I think I`ll just wait for proper support of these files. I don`t want to rename them to other extensions though, since this was how the game stored its files as(there was no .wem back then).

EDIT: I see you`ve already provided a set for those. Thanks.

edited 4:17 PM EST February 26, 2017
by RetroFanatic at 2:41 PM EST on February 28, 2017
The r1050 version of vgmstream won't show up in winamp's plugin list. Why? I've tried simply replacing the old file and uninstalling it properly.

Btw, don't remember if I asked this but can I make vgmstream loop mib files in some way?

La Pucelle Tactics uses that format, for example.

edited 3:35 PM EST February 28, 2017
by marcusss at 11:33 PM EST on February 28, 2017
Hi again bnnm. Are you able to support the PS3 game, Folklore aka Folkssoul which has .sgb files which look like compressed or a mess in a hex editor..

The game's music folder does come with header files too.. I included a couple .sgb files and the BGM header?? file which is .bi5.

Inside the .bi5 file it mentions BGM files

like this


I can see in the middle there is constantly waveh mentioned..

I have the soundtrack but hey the game might have more and it is not on Joshw so :-)



edited 11:33 PM EST February 28, 2017
by bnnm at 1:50 PM EST on March 1, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes
- Added AKB support for OGG/alt AAC [SQEX iOS: Dragon Quest 2-6, FF6, TWEWY]
- Relaxed loop validation in Nintendo "standard" DSP [ESPN 2002]
- (dev) FFmpeg preparations to fix some decoders with encoder delay
- Added multichannel XVAG MPEG [Uncharted 3, The Last of Us]
- (dev) MPEG tweaks
- Added Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force looping OGG support [by haolink]
- Redone XWB with full support [many XBOX360 games]
- (dev) XMA sample reader tweaks

To split multi XWB I made this tool: xwb_split


XWB issues (examples needed):
- PCM8bit, WMAv1 (XBOX) and WMApro (late XBOX360/Windows) not tested
- XWB compact mode not tested
- earlier (XACT2) MS-ADPCM looping not tested
- XACT2 v35/36/37 may not play correctly (~few mid 2006 games)

xwb_split expects a companion .xsb to extract names in proper order (not lineal) but can be ignored with -i.
xwb_split XSB issues (ignored with -i):
- not all XSB are parsed ok
- in rare cases the name order is not ok (Ikaruga, Mushihimesama SYS_SE).
Since xwb_split usually works with unordered names, it may be a problem in the .xsb itself.
- XACT1 XSB (XBOX) barely tested
- XSB with different number of sounds vs XWB streams don't work yet

@ marcuss - Rename the .sgb_ to .sgb and put these .sgh headers in the same folder (extracted from the .bi_). Maybe you could upload the music later too.
by marcusss at 7:03 PM EST on March 1, 2017

Thanks for the updates and.

Thanks as The music works. There are environment files which I assume is just background noise , movies and rtd files all which have a header file and are all in sgb format.

I will upload when I get some spare time

Some songs are like 10 mins or 27 mins and seeking doesn't work to skip ahead so must just be the file type ??



edited 7:20 PM EST March 1, 2017

edited 6:37 PM EST March 2, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 8:19 AM EST on March 3, 2017
Hey Bnnm, thanks for that ESPN fix but may I expect implementation of those 5.1 MP3 in FSB containers any time soon? I'm talking about TimeShift PC&X360 samples I posted awhile back and their relatives from WWE Legends of Wrestlemania on PS3.
Best regards, Ultrafighter!

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