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by Ultrafighter at 4:51 AM EST on March 9, 2017
Hi Bnnm, do you still want to get some Bioshock 2 samples? I was going to try and acquire some PS3 FSBs from the very start but had quite some difficulties attempting to find them. Anyway I've finally gotten 1-2 multiplayer banks and two singleplayer archives so I can share them here if you wish.
Best regards!
by plpl3000 at 11:03 AM EST on March 10, 2017
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War aifc files

Vgmstream does not support

by bnnm at 8:05 PM EST on March 10, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes:
- Added GENH codecs: ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus, XMA1, XMA2, FFmpeg
- Added "short" MPDS (coefs missing) [T3, MI: Operation Surma (GC)]
- (dev) IMA/GENH/SCD cleanup; HCA ext check


@Ultrafighter - Yes, Bioshock 2 samples would be useful for multichannel FSB research.

I added T3/MI but as I said without the DSP coefficient table it will sound bad.
Said table may be in the EXE, external file, music files themselves in a format I didn't recognize (@0x10-0x20?), or just generated on the fly.
Your best bet is to ask in Xentax (daemon1?) or have somebody debug the game with a GC emu to get the values/formula.
by Ultrafighter at 11:11 PM EST on March 10, 2017
Are you sure there should be multichannel tracks in Bioshock 2? I checked 4 FSBs I got and all VGM contained in them is either in mono or stereo.
As for T3 & MI:OS I was afraid from the start that decompiling an executable file is probably required... but it can actually be a pretty much possible task if the right person's asked to do it. Anyway I'll talk about it with him really soon and hope he can set it on his queue.
by bnnm at 3:42 AM EST on March 11, 2017
FSB MPEG/MP3s (multichannel or not) use "padding" that I need to fully figure out for multichannel to work (some games don't follow the usual padding rules).
I'm specially interested in Bioshock 2 since it was mentioned here that has inconsistent padding.

Even better if you can tell me about games that use FSB MPEGs (and upload samples if they aren't in joshw). I have these:
- FSB3/4 MPEG: DJ Hero, Dragon Age Origins, Forza Horizon, Legends of Wrestlemania, Shatter, TimeShift, Way of the Samurai 3/4.
- FSB5 MPEG: Duck Tales, Dark Souls 2, FF X/X-2 HD

EDIT: ok, I found lots of FSB4 MPEG, but I'd still appreciate Bioshock 2 and FSB5s.

edited 6:21 AM EST March 11, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 1:06 PM EST on March 11, 2017
Bioshock 2 FSBs: 2 MP + 2 SP ones, the smaller ones this time. If you need more I'll try to get new ones.
Take care!
by kode54 at 1:38 AM EST on March 12, 2017
I also wasn't aware that the FSBs were requested from any given platform. I was considering supplying them from the PC version, but I wasn't sure I wanted to download that much data just to acquire them.
by bnnm at 8:11 AM EDT on March 12, 2017
Thanks, don't worry though. I was hoping somebody would have them in handy (any platform) as it would be faster but at worst I can get the game myself.

I think I got it figured out though (Layer III/MP3s are padded while layer II/MP2s are not, despite what the FSB header says; I haven't seen nor I think FMOD supports Layer I), seems to work for all FSB but I'll do some more FSB5 testing first.
by Ultrafighter at 9:09 AM EDT on March 12, 2017
Anyway I hope another two pairs of example files won't hurt anyone so here're some more samples... for science! BTW big thanks for making rip of The rumble fish 2 & posting it here, somehow I kept forgetting about the need to say something like this until now.
See you!
by bnnm at 5:27 PM EDT on March 14, 2017
latests vgmstream changes:
- Added padded and multichannel FSB MPEGs [Dark Souls 2, Timeshift, DJ Hero]
- Added FSB5 XMA [Minecraft Story Mode (X360)]
- Fixed mono FSB5 MPEG total samples
- Added little endian BFSTM [Blaster Master Zero (3DS)]

Now should properly parse padded/interleaved FSB MPEGs of any channels (before mpg123 was resyncing, sometimes failing).
I tested it quite a lot, but if problems are found it could be enabled for >2ch files only.


The only 'regression' I found is PS3 Kingdoms of Amalur in joshw. I think it wasn't properly split though, because there is no MPEG frame at start_offset, and the new decoder expects it (rather than resyncing, unlike the normal decoder).

Some files have a "click" in the first frame but I think that's a encoder delay issue I'll check later.

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