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by Link0x at 3:43 AM EDT on April 27, 2009
Hm... ffmpeg I guess would be okay to use.. kinda.. the final project probably has to be Open Source then seeing ffmpeg would be GPLed.. but well, if they used the actual XDK for that.. then yeah, in that case I fear the project shouldn't really exist seeing that this would be copy-righted code. Not that typical internet users would care but still.
by mudlord at 11:40 PM EDT on April 27, 2009

I'll see if my copy of DeDe does anything....

They could have some anti debug. Though since I was using a cloaked version of Olly when unpacking, didn't notice as such....

Wouldn't hurt to run some tests.
by marcusss at 1:26 AM EDT on April 28, 2009
go for it :P.
by Peppyman at 9:09 AM EDT on April 29, 2009
Is it possible to get the music from viva pinata trouble in paradise?
by bxaimc at 3:06 PM EDT on April 29, 2009
by furrybob at 6:31 PM EDT on April 30, 2009
So we can finally decode xma files
does anybody know where I can find the xma files for sonic '06? I can't seem to be able to find them
by Mouser X at 6:41 PM EDT on April 30, 2009
That set hasn't been made available yet. Apparently it's been ripped and there are people who have it, but it's not actually available at this time. Maybe someone will upload it the HCS tracker if you ask nicely enough. I don't have it (and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to upload it), so I can't help, and I don't know who else has it, or if they're willing/able to help either. Sorry to be fairly useless in this exchange. Mouser X over and out.
by MarkGrass at 8:00 AM EDT on May 2, 2009
Am I correct in assuming this project is already dead (due to copyrighted code)?
by marcusss at 1:08 PM EDT on May 2, 2009
yes..yes..*wink* ;-)

Actually i never thought xma would ever be decoded.. This gives some hope :D

edited 1:10 PM EDT May 2, 2009
by hcs at 5:47 PM EDT on May 2, 2009
When has copyrighted code ever stopped us?
No, not dead, I'm just making very slow progress as this is a pretty massive decoder to work through.

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