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by mudlord at 8:12 PM EDT on May 4, 2009
Not sure, but you might want to chat to Luigi Auriemma (

His FSB extractor can read XMA headers from what I see. Plus, with his reversing knowledge with anything to do with this stuff, he might be able to give some hints.
by bxaimc at 10:14 PM EDT on May 4, 2009
Reading XMA headers isn't really the problem here. The problem is getting the files to play.
Stream ID's by OrangeC at 10:21 AM EDT on June 25, 2009
Hows it going with this project so far?

BTW i think to the file to play you need to decode from the acual stream ID, right after the custome xma header right where the raw data starts.
by hcs at 10:41 AM EDT on June 25, 2009
by bxaimc at 8:38 PM EDT on June 25, 2009
^ What he said
by arbingordon at 12:17 AM EDT on June 26, 2009
I don't get why it really matters, all you'll do is convert streams to mp3s and put them up on ffshrine (and you can already do that with your gamerips thread, so I don't really see why it's even necessary to you)
by Tiberious at 2:45 PM EDT on June 28, 2009
Does this mean we'll be able to get the music out of Super SF2 Turbo HD Remix?

Reason I ask is because I'm hoping to end up using the fan remixed tracks for Super Turbo on Dreamcast (I'm hoping the 360's music has better looping than the MP3s do).
by bxaimc at 3:28 PM EDT on June 28, 2009
er.....wasn't that ADX?
by marcusss at 10:49 AM EDT on June 29, 2009

edited 10:49 AM EDT June 29, 2009
by Powerless at 6:17 PM EDT on July 12, 2009
ToWAV is far from perfect, it doesn't support Multichannel XMA files, so it doesn't work with the decrypted FSB files from Guitar Hero: World Tour and above. I hope someone else makes a proper XMA decoder sometime.

I can post a decrypted FSB containing a Multichannel XMA file as a sample if needed (and allowed).

edited 9:13 PM EDT July 12, 2009

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