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by Azu at 1:48 AM EDT on June 21, 2010
by mdmitry at 2:03 PM EDT on August 31, 2010
Won't it be simpler to reverse official tool from SDK?
by hcs at 2:18 PM EDT on August 31, 2010
Simpler than what?
by bxaimc at 7:22 AM EDT on September 1, 2010
We have everything we need to write a decoder for xma but it requires too much work than it's actually worth. That's why it's taking such a long time. It's due to a lack of motivation now....
by JoeMan135 at 2:52 PM EDT on September 14, 2010
I'd be really glad if there was a universal XMA decoder for even multichannel XMA-s. In addition, I have motivation to write a decoder, but I don't even know how to start. You wrote that you have every information that's needed. If you can tell me those infos, I could try to write the decoder. (I don't promise I'll succeed, but I could give it a try.)
by bcass at 11:22 AM EST on February 24, 2011
Could someone please have a look at this WAV file for me and let me know which settings I need to use to get it imported into Audacity:

I've tried various offsets/little/big endian but no luck.
by OrangeC at 1:01 PM EST on February 24, 2011
Its XMA audacity doesn't support it.

in this case rename the extension to xma and convert with towav.
by bcass at 4:05 PM EST on February 24, 2011
by bcass at 11:16 AM EST on February 25, 2011
Any chance you could help identify what format this is:
by bxaimc at 4:50 PM EST on February 25, 2011
It looks incomplete in a way because to me, it looks like garbage.

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