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- by dissident93 at 6:21 PM EST on December 17, 2024
- The updated titles from Nintendo Music maybe?
- by Eliskuya at 8:14 AM EST on December 19, 2024
- oh snap I never knew resident evil 2 was on N64
- by Lunar at 8:18 AM EST on December 23, 2024
- dissident93: Doesn't look like it, filenames and title fields are functionally identical to what they were before.
Upon investigation it does appear that the rerips are just to fix tempos (a long time coming.) Somewhat troubling though is that the timers are as they were before, so the songs will end a little later than they ideally should. #firstworldproblems
- by Katsur at 10:27 AM EST on December 24, 2024
- Still troubling, not helped by outdated, cumbersome, awkward and sluggish nature of methods of ripping Nintendo 64 music. Some new research suggested.
- by MusicMantis at 1:07 PM EST on December 30, 2024
- I just saw the updated Pokemon Snap USF set - what a wonderful surprise! It's much better now, thank you. I'm incredibly grateful! :D
- by MoldyPond at 10:15 PM EST on December 30, 2024
- One thing I've wondered about for awhile, the music for Diddy Kong Racing was re-ripped back in 2017 or 2018 and fixed a lot of issues with the initial rip, however the volume of it is nowhere near correct to an actual console, being way louder and blown out than it should be.
I'm not sure if this is due to any filters or something similar being applied on the console's end that isn't being applied when ripping the files but I just thought it was worth mentioning to see if possible to fix, would be greatly appreciated! :)
- by Josh W at 12:08 AM EST on December 31, 2024
- Pokemon Snap was interesting.
While recovering from surgery I decided to take the reference SGI "CSeq" driver and pull all of the customisations from Pokemon Snap into it, until it played the same. Then added some code to fade in and out the channels for the Tunnel track.
I didn't need to run it through the profiler then, as it only had the code needed to play audio, and the midi banks and sequences. Then created a "savestate" to boot the rom. Probably the only USF that could play on real hardware.
With the audio of Diddy Kong Racing, I probably ramped up the volume on purpose, as the player can adjust the volume down rather than artificially limit it at some percent.
I could put it back easily enough, it's just a single value that needs to be altered.
- by Tanookirby at 11:54 AM EST on December 31, 2024
- @Josh W: While you're at it, I believe the trash can music in Banjo-Tooie is set to the wrong speed. Can you verify it and adjust it to the proper tempo?
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