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- by marioman at 8:37 AM EST on November 23, 2005
- Don't forget the ones that Vague Rant mentioned earlier.
(I still think that we should put him in charge of keeping this thing in order.)
- by marioman at 6:05 PM EST on December 21, 2005
- Woah! Instantaneously there are 87 requests for Gauntlet Legends? I think I have a new candidate for the ban list.
- by hcs at 8:29 PM EST on December 21, 2005
- They were from several different (significantly) IPs, with one exception, and I'll delete the duplicates from him.
I've revised the vote system, now a new cookie will not be given to someone with IP that has already voted, the old cookie will be retrieved and reissued instead,
edited 1:55 AM EST December 22, 2005
- by marioman at 1:50 AM EST on December 22, 2005
- Very good. Thanks.
- by marioman at 4:55 PM EST on February 5, 2006
- *Sigh* When will the over-requesting idiots learn? Check out Snowboard Kids 2 on the requests list. It is up to 66 now, and it was about 40 the other day.
edited 8:59 PM EST February 6, 2006
- by hcs at 4:44 PM EST on February 6, 2006
- What's wrong with Snowboard Kids 2?
- by marioman at 6:08 PM EST on February 6, 2006
- It was like 42 or so the other night. (3rd or 4th on the list.) Now, it is 66 - just above the previous leader. It may be a legitimate, but a 20-point jump sounds fishy to me. Thanks for looking into it.
- by Synthesis at 6:04 PM EST on February 7, 2006
- Well, I'm just waiting for someone to rip Snowboard Kids 2. I was planning on tagging that game next. Hopefully sometime soon.
- by Josh W at 7:40 PM EST on February 7, 2006
- Well im wokring on Snowboard Kids 2, and right now it is being a real bitch. So i probally wont be able to do it anytime in the very near future.
Same goes for Harvest Moon 64, but this one might be a little easier than SK2 because i can find music start points. SK2 is on a merry go round of looping calliness.
Whilst im here ill put the ripping feasability stats for others.
Gauntlet Legends: This one is an even bigger bitch than SK2, almost as high as Turok 2 because it uses dynamic code and something that makes it not work in the batchripper.
Turok 2: This one is having all the problems that were present in Turok 3. I can get some of them working, but only after a large delay after the song has started.
Rush 2: This one is deciding me to only let one song to be able to be ripped. But i havn't spent a lot of time on this one.
I was also generating a complete set for Donkey Kong 64, but there seems to be a handful of tracks that i have had problems with in the past that prevent me from doing a rip of yet.
- by Synthesis at 8:16 PM EST on February 7, 2006
- Yeah. I was looking at both SK2 and HM64. Is it just a problem finding the actual data or is it getting the data to play correctly?
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