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by marioman at 8:37 AM EST on November 23, 2005
Don't forget the ones that Vague Rant mentioned earlier.

(I still think that we should put him in charge of keeping this thing in order.)
by marioman at 6:05 PM EST on December 21, 2005
Woah! Instantaneously there are 87 requests for Gauntlet Legends? I think I have a new candidate for the ban list.
by hcs at 8:29 PM EST on December 21, 2005
They were from several different (significantly) IPs, with one exception, and I'll delete the duplicates from him.

I've revised the vote system, now a new cookie will not be given to someone with IP that has already voted, the old cookie will be retrieved and reissued instead,

edited 1:55 AM EST December 22, 2005
by marioman at 1:50 AM EST on December 22, 2005
Very good. Thanks.
by marioman at 4:55 PM EST on February 5, 2006
*Sigh* When will the over-requesting idiots learn? Check out Snowboard Kids 2 on the requests list. It is up to 66 now, and it was about 40 the other day.

edited 8:59 PM EST February 6, 2006
by hcs at 4:44 PM EST on February 6, 2006
What's wrong with Snowboard Kids 2?
by marioman at 6:08 PM EST on February 6, 2006
It was like 42 or so the other night. (3rd or 4th on the list.) Now, it is 66 - just above the previous leader. It may be a legitimate, but a 20-point jump sounds fishy to me. Thanks for looking into it.
by Synthesis at 6:04 PM EST on February 7, 2006
Well, I'm just waiting for someone to rip Snowboard Kids 2. I was planning on tagging that game next. Hopefully sometime soon.
by Josh W at 7:40 PM EST on February 7, 2006
Well im wokring on Snowboard Kids 2, and right now it is being a real bitch. So i probally wont be able to do it anytime in the very near future.

Same goes for Harvest Moon 64, but this one might be a little easier than SK2 because i can find music start points. SK2 is on a merry go round of looping calliness.

Whilst im here ill put the ripping feasability stats for others.

Gauntlet Legends: This one is an even bigger bitch than SK2, almost as high as Turok 2 because it uses dynamic code and something that makes it not work in the batchripper.

Turok 2: This one is having all the problems that were present in Turok 3. I can get some of them working, but only after a large delay after the song has started.

Rush 2: This one is deciding me to only let one song to be able to be ripped. But i havn't spent a lot of time on this one.

I was also generating a complete set for Donkey Kong 64, but there seems to be a handful of tracks that i have had problems with in the past that prevent me from doing a rip of yet.
by Synthesis at 8:16 PM EST on February 7, 2006
Yeah. I was looking at both SK2 and HM64. Is it just a problem finding the actual data or is it getting the data to play correctly?

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