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by arbingordon at 10:01 AM EDT on October 26, 2009
jeez ugetab you're like clockwork
i'll add it once I finish the usfs replay gains.
and thanks for the rip :)
by mudlord at 4:34 AM EST on November 1, 2009
Sin and Punishment, plz :3
by ugetab at 10:31 AM EST on November 1, 2009
Conker USF Rerip

I didn't notice that the existing rip was decent enough, but this is better in my opinion, as long as it doesn't crash winamp or something.

The only real difference I found between this and the set was a volume increase, and sparse22 being the Game Load menu music.

If there's anything else that's been improved, then great, but I didn't find it.

Actually, it looks like the Vertex tracks are mostly messed up. They keep looping little pieces of track, except for 43b.

edited 11:20 AM EST November 1, 2009
by ugetab at 9:46 PM EST on November 4, 2009
Tsumi To Batsu


Can't voice any real opinion on this set.
by mudlord at 9:07 PM EST on November 7, 2009
And this is where I say you made my day :D
by arbingordon at 12:44 PM EST on November 11, 2009
any chance of a re-rip for Command & Conquer if you get the chance, ugetab? (considering you're the only one ripping usfs now :()
by ugetab at 8:34 PM EST on November 11, 2009
Why? I didn't find any other music. Check the sound test. There's 1-17 to choose from. That's sparse00-sparse10 in the set, and anything beyond that is stuff you can't even select to listen to from there.

If there's more music than that, I'd be pretty damned surprised. sparse11 is the title screen, and beyond that, I just can't imagine playing that game over on the N64. Besides, I remember from the PC version that the music loops to the next, then the next, and so on, until it goes to the first again. I already ripped all of them in that manner, but with single track looping.

If there's something missing from the set, it's just missing, not forgotten.
by wolupgm6 at 8:17 PM EST on November 12, 2009
Any chance of a Starshot rip, ugetab?
by Dubble at 8:45 PM EST on November 12, 2009
I'd like to make a request.

Bomberman 64 - the Japanese version. It's a completely different game than what's represented by the USF set that exists now with completely different music (it's playable in the Project 64 emulator if you want to take a look.) It was released only in Japan and seems to be (in some way) a predecessor to the Bomberman Land series. It's got some pretty decent music to it.
by arbingordon at 6:13 PM EST on November 16, 2009
ugetab: I asked on the behalf of someone else, so if the request irritated you, I could act as a sort of scapegoat. Anyway, if it's not there then don't worry about it, right? (I've not played the game, so I don't really know what *should* be in the set)

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