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- by RukarioGyiyg996 at 4:40 PM EST on November 7, 2012
- Could I get a rip of Operation: WinBack, or atleast shown the tools necessary?
I also find it funny how Shadows of the Empire uses really poorly sampled streams as music, just how I remembered it when I was a kid.
- by Josh W at 7:28 AM EST on November 8, 2012
- Yep enjoy the low quality streaminess :D
There aren't any tools available which can rip usfs, unless they contain something like mp3 :(
Winback however, is here
- by RukarioGyiyg996 at 2:39 PM EST on November 8, 2012
- Josh that's very generous of you, thanks I really appreciate it! Now I can finally ditch youtube just to do covers of these songs.
I still though would like to know how one makes a USF set. What would I need (programs\knowledge,etc) to go about doing it myself? I like to learn.
I bet it obviously requires knowledge of MIPS assembly.
- by Lunar at 4:53 PM EST on November 8, 2012
- Whoa an actual new USF set :) muchos gracias. Do they take you long to make? Just want to know how guilty I should feel about begging for more!
- by punk7890 at 5:58 PM EST on November 8, 2012
- Wow thanks a lot for WinBack! Brings back memories.
- by RukarioGyiyg996 at 1:07 AM EST on November 9, 2012
- I wonder if Vigilante 8 and Second Offense is rippable, seeing how Alexander Brandon and Dan Gardopee worked on it.. would surprise me if there is an actual module file rippable out of the ROM somehow instead of just making USF's
One of the N64 songs in the original Vigilante 8 references one of Brandon's songs he did for Unreal, so I think Brandon purposefully used a sequence he used in one of his Unreal works in the song itself, just switching out the instruments.
- by Josh W at 4:59 AM EST on November 9, 2012
- RukarioGyiyg996: I'm not sure i could explain well enough how to rip a set. I tend to do things the hard way :(
Try looking at this guide by ugetab
Regarding Vigilante 8 Second Offense, it uses some shitty custom midi-like sequencer, similar to Winback.
edited 4:59 AM EST November 9, 2012
- by Josh W at 6:05 AM EST on November 9, 2012
- Vigilante 8, same as the Second Offense
Lunar, what was that, about an hour?
edited 6:05 AM EST November 9, 2012
- by Lunar at 9:55 AM EST on November 9, 2012
- Ridiculously quick :) and I was hoping for both of those soundtracks to be ripped for a long time, too! Thanks muchly.
I've tagged and timed Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense. Stargazers <3 and all dat disco.
EDIT: Done tagging Vigilante 8, too, just not sure if the tracks have actual titles (they're selected randomly in the game, so I just used 'BGM#'.) If there are titles feel free to update the set.
My own personal wishlist at this point is SimCity 64, and F-Zero X Expansion Kit (which I can also tag), presuming DD games can also be ripped to USF. There are others, but I'm less bothered about them at the moment.
edited 10:24 AM EST November 9, 2012
- by RukarioGyiyg996 at 7:38 PM EST on November 9, 2012
- Can't we just have F-Zero X and Expansion Kit ripped to stream formats instead of USF's because they are streams?
I pretty much did that for F-Zero X with N64SoundTool.
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