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- Yeah by RattleMan at 7:57 PM EDT on June 7, 2005
- Yeah, for Wave Race 64, I don't like the Shindou edition..."Sandy Beach" and Sunset Bay have different music (which makes it sound bad =\)
Here are the name differences (some of them are pretty bad IMO)
(US) = (JPN)
Sunny Beach = Sandy Beach
Drake Lake = Milky Lake
Port Blue = Port Pirates
Twilight City = Castle City
Glacier Coast = Cool Wave
- by hcs at 4:54 AM EDT on June 8, 2005
- The name differences are a matter of what was on the OST, which is what I go by for track names.
- by Lunar at 5:11 AM EDT on June 8, 2005
- I have to admit I'm more partial to the original game's soundtrack, as opposed to the Shindou soundtrack. Eitherway, I have mp3s I can keep anyway.
I doubt there'd be a way to have both ripped and combined into one set without two usflibs I guess.
- by hcs at 10:08 AM EDT on June 8, 2005
- That would be unlikely, the addresses of the data in ROM at least would have to be identical. Unless, that is, I decide to try to fiddle with the sequences (pull them out of the non-special edition).
- by Koji at 8:17 PM EDT on June 8, 2005
- I wouldn't mind the two usflibs, though. That is, if you manage to rip the songs right, now (with intros and correct speed). ;)
- by dave at 9:53 AM EDT on June 13, 2005
- Is it possible to rip sound effects? I've been looking for a clean copy of Navi's "hey listen" sound effect from OoT forever. I'm on a mac and have been trying various things through virtual pc with little luck. If anyone could get this for me I would be eternally grateful.
- by AndrewB at 12:24 AM EDT on June 27, 2005
- I would love Mario Golf 64. It has a lot of good tunes, and it's fairly high-quality sound.
- by strugglepoo at 4:51 PM EDT on July 2, 2005
- Please do Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (not 64). I've been looking for it for a long time now! Thanks in advance.
- by Maghnus at 10:51 AM EDT on July 6, 2005
- I second Mischief Makers and Jet Force Gemini, and add to the list Mischief Makers... >.<
I'd do it myself if I knew anything about hacking 64 games.
- by Prokopis at 2:42 PM EDT on July 8, 2005
- Figure, I might as well chime in...
- Command & Conquer. Yeah, rather flaky (at best) compared to the PC vers, I know, but I'm kinda interested, being a Frank Klepacki aficionado n' all.
- Hydro Thunder. Already mentioned, but what the heck. Go for this game that defied sound emuing for years!!!1
- T.W.I.N.E. Any chance for this lil' runt of a bro to GE?
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