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by hcs at 5:22 PM EST on December 3, 2016
Rainbow Road, Rendezvous of Ghost, and Japon are on Nintendo Sound Selection Vol. 2. I seem to remember seeing at least one other, but I haven't found it yet.
by ice at 12:57 PM EDT on October 25, 2017
Another meaningless bump from a user who signed up just to request this, but is there any available USF rip of Deadly Arts / G.A.S.P!! Fighters' NEXTream? I've searched high and low for this, I'm not sure if the songs on youtube are ripped from USF files or if they just used the sound test mode and recordded the audio. Either way, it has a damn sick soundtrack and I'm looking for it. Someone mentioned it before in this thread, at least.
by Mouser X at 11:11 PM EDT on October 25, 2017
I looked at the USF collection here, and I didn't see anything that looked like those games. It seems unlikely that a USF rip exists for those games. I attempted to teach myself how to rip USFs, and was completely unsuccessful, so I'm no help. I know that ugetab figured out an "easier" way to rip USFs, and I think JoshW figured out his method, but I'm not aware of any recent USF rips. JoshW still posts here (thank goodness, as he's hosting all the VGM sets...), so maybe if he's available he could look into it? Obviously I'm not offering his services (and I can't speak on his behalf at all), just that he's the only person I can think of who's even attempted ripping USFs "recently" at all (aka, within the last 3 years). Otherwise, those Youtube videos you mentioned are probably your best bet. Mouser X over and out.
LEGO Racer's USF Rip by Infomaniac95 at 8:55 AM EDT on October 26, 2017
I was wondering if it would be at all possible for anyone to do a USF rip of the game known as LEGO Racers for the N64? Thank you in advanced! :)
by ice at 10:18 AM EDT on October 26, 2017
Mouser X:
Yeah, I already went through all the archives I could find on the net. It seems like it's done completely manually, and the only available documentation is on how the USF files are structured. I'm not very knowledgeable on low-level stuff, but I figured at least asking before going through the hassle of recording the emulator audio and organizing it would be a good idea.
Is there any way to reach out to JoshW? This board software is very nice, I appreciate the simplicity and everything, but it doesn't have a PM function!
by Josh W at 3:01 AM EDT on October 27, 2017
Here you go Deadly Arts [ut] (1998-10-07)(Konami)(Konami).7z

For some strange reason it doesn't play in foo_input_usf, but it does work in lazyusf2.

I don't have the foobar sdk installed so I can't look into this further at the moment, but I'll take a look over the weekend
by Josh W at 6:27 AM EDT on October 27, 2017
Disregard that, I was using the wrong lib. It's broken on kode54's gitlab repo too.

Seems to be stuck in an infinte loop inside the alAudioFrame handler. Hmmm
by ice at 8:53 AM EDT on October 27, 2017
Thank you so, so much for ripping it, Josh W! And yeah, it doesn't play for me either unfortunately, using the latest stable version of foo_input_usf. I would gladly contribute tags if I could actually hear the audio for each file.
by kode54 at 6:34 PM EDT on October 27, 2017
Did you use my lazyusf2 to perform the emulation coverage? Does it work if you use an untrimmed rip? How about in the trimming mode it offers?
by Bonboon228 at 9:59 PM EDT on October 27, 2017
Could someone rip Toy Story 2 for me?
You know, for Science...

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