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by Ben Adams (BenKirb) at 2:06 PM EST on February 14, 2021
Does anyone know where I can find Master Performance Series Volume 1?
The composer of Hotel Mario contacted me!! by Ben Adams (BenKirb) at 10:09 PM EDT on March 17, 2021
Hi, guys.
The composer of Hotel Mario is actually Marc St. Regis and not Jack Levy. This is what he told me:

Mac OS 7, Opcode Studio Vision, DAT tapes,

Studio Electronics Obie Rack, Yamaha TG-100, Roland S770 (custom and stock samples), MKS-20, MKS-50, Casio CZ-100, MT-40 (customized).

If I remember moreā€¦

And thanks much for the love.

He also goes by the name StudioElectronics on YouTube.

edited 10:09 PM EDT March 17, 2021
by DJHoboman at 6:26 PM EDT on July 1, 2021
Is the discord still active? The link in the OP is invalid
by G-Boy at 7:52 AM EDT on July 2, 2021
It's still active. The invite code for the server was changed recently, but that post still uses the old one.
by DJHoboman at 1:42 PM EDT on July 3, 2021
Is this new code available anywhere? The spreadsheet also uses the same invalid one. Or has the server become more privatized? That's okay if so
by G-Boy at 7:12 PM EDT on July 3, 2021
Here's the new one: Link
by guy who stumbled onto this site at 4:03 AM EDT on July 14, 2021
new discord link is dead. maybe when making a new link, try making it so it can't expire.
by Mil3sperhour at 10:24 PM EDT on July 24, 2021
Yeah all discord links are expired :(
by G-Boy at 8:12 AM EDT on July 25, 2021
The invites have kept being deleted lately to stop some unwanted users from joining the server, so that's why they keep expiring. But here's the new link again: Link
[EDIT: Someone went onto the server and spammed gore images, so this one is also expired now.]

edited 1:34 PM EDT July 25, 2021
by raulix at 6:44 PM EDT on August 5, 2021
invite is invalid

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