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by unknownfile at 4:17 PM EST on December 6, 2006
Did some analysis on the JaiSeq player formats:

This is a packed file containing sequences. The method of playback of the packed files is currently unknown.

Sequence data.

Contains pointers to setting up variables in the sequence player, such as sound banks, AFC tracks, etc.

Streaming audio data.

Sample banks for sequence playback. These apparently use the same sampling method as AFC.

Interesting to note, Super Mario Sunshine uses a modified version of JaiSeq. I'm gonna need to dig around a bit more to do analysis on SMS.
wahey by unknownfile at 6:54 PM EST on December 9, 2006

edited 10:22 PM EST December 9, 2006
by marioman at 8:17 PM EST on December 9, 2006
Oh yay! Does that mean that Luigi's Mansion will work now? I can't wait to get the E. Gadd and Gameboy Horror themes without SE.
by unknownfile at 8:20 PM EST on December 9, 2006

Those themes are sequenced.
by marioman at 8:49 PM EST on December 9, 2006
So, there are streamed AND sequenced versions of AFC? The GC Stream Database says that Luigi's Mansion is AFC.
by hcs at 9:24 PM EST on December 9, 2006
It has some streams, but mostly sequences. The samples used for the sequences are most likely the same format, though, so this brings us a step closer to playing them.

edited 9:41 PM EST December 9, 2006
by unknownfile at 11:38 AM EST on December 11, 2006
Generic news about JaiSeq:

JaiSeq loads stuff in the following order, but this is most likely inaccurate:

JaiInit.aac (sets up stuff)
sample banks
JaiSeqs.arc (RARC archive)
sequences from within JaiSeqs.arc

The sample banks use a different codec than AFC, though it is similar.

Once I learn how to use the MIDI API in Windows, I might be able to find out how to convert the BMSes over to MIDI, and then write a sequence player to play the sequences in in_cube (though it would require a player control similar to NotSoFatso's, from what I can tell).

Oh, and by the way, Super Mario Sunshine uses a modified sequence player. The sequences.arc file is compressed, but is not actually a RARC file.

edited 11:41 AM EST December 11, 2006
by unknownfile at 8:23 PM EST on December 11, 2006
Super Smash Bros. Melee HPS collection

You may now spontaneously orgasm.
by Mouser X at 8:14 AM EST on December 12, 2006
I know this isn't exactly the right place to post this, but it's close.

HCS has included experimental support for RSF files into in_cube. For those wondering, Metroid Prime uses RSF files. There's 4 of them. The credits, 2 frontends, one of which is the save loading screen, and a Samus one (I forget where in the game it's used). Anyway, HCS has included the ability to change some settings in in_cube, to allow people to try and find a clearer playback setting. I was wondering if anyone would like to help clear that up? My current settings are:


Anyway, I must go now. Good luck with that. Mouser X over and out.
by unknownfile at 11:28 AM EST on December 12, 2006
Experimental? Hrmm... hopefully it will be working next December (remember AFC?) :P.

Then again, why not just disassemble the DSP code and find out what does what?

Also, I would like to request AW streams be decoded, so then I can start working on BMS sequence playback (I have plenty of time over winter break, with my wisdom teeth being removed and all).

Btw, later today... BILLY HATCHER OMG

edited 11:58 AM EST December 12, 2006

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