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by ChillyBilly at 2:15 AM EDT on April 14, 2017
@Ultrafighter: As far as the MHF rip goes, you may as well post those extracted .at9 files yourself if you already did the work. As for the rest of the audio, I already upped the entire contents of both sound folders, so I can say with full confidence that there's no more to add. Though as far as those unplayable .mus files are concerned.... well, I've honestly been too busy with other stuff to refocus on that right now, and it may be a good while before I get back to it. Therefore, if you or anyone else wants to take a whack at it in the meantime, be my guest. I'll still look into it myself when I get the chance, though!

That being said, here's my latest Wii rip:

Kamen Rider: Chou Climax Heroes

Also, my other recent Wii rips, in case anyone missed them (due to being overshadowed by the recent onslaught of awesome PC rips, lol):

Aquarius Baseball

Let's Tap
by bnnm at 4:04 AM EDT on April 14, 2017
Some (re)rips:
Limbo (iOS)

Limbo (PSV)

Oddworld New 'n' Tasty! (PSV)

Resogun (PS3)

The King of Fighters XII (X360) + DLC [this doesn't use the same files than the arcade/PC versions]

The King of Fighters XIII (X360) [this does use the same files than the arcade/PC versions I think]
by Ultrafighter at 1:59 PM EDT on April 14, 2017
@ChillyBilly: In case you still have those VSNDs you can use VGMToolBox to get AT9s, simply go to Misc. tools -> Extraction tools => Generic and choose Advanced cutter / Offset finder. There select RIFF style header from dropdown menu on the right (the option you need is on the very bottom of the list) and click Load button; you can also change Output file extension from ".wav" to ".at9". Then you should merely drag and drop *.vsnd archives to "Files to search" field and everything else is to be done automatically, you'll even get a folder per an audio archive.
I guess conversion of ATRAC9 encoded tracks is an easy task for you? Of course if you wish I can upload my own *.at9 files, I got them using Novasoft extractor (I compared results of unpacking process using Nova & VGMT and they're identical anyway; I only tested ToolBox on 2 biggest files though). Well if you have any other questions never hesitate to ask, I believe I can provide even more assistance if you ever need it!

@Bnnm: Thnx for all releases, especially Resogun (I'm very eager to finally hear it myself) & Oddworld! Your work is really appreciated: not only I can revisit some neat scores now but I can also try and find any exclusive tracks missing from Limbo on PS3 or Abe`s oddysee: New 'n' tasty for PC. Big thanks once again, keep it up!

See you all in a bit!
by Knurek at 2:17 PM EDT on April 14, 2017
I've reuploaded both NieR: Automata and Yooka-Yaylee rips. Both use original WEM files now.

No real need to download them again though.
by marcusss at 5:44 PM EDT on April 14, 2017
@bnnm When i was ripping resogun before i noticed one of the songs ..about 4mins long, is not in the soundtrack so is good to have the extra track. Were the rest ima or something as i had a couple of corrupted ogg when i tried ripping the oggs previously

All we need now is for nex machina to hurry its release on pc to rip the music since ps4 will take ages before it is ripped.

Good work !

edited 5:47 PM EDT April 14, 2017

edited 5:48 PM EDT April 14, 2017
by bnnm at 7:05 PM EDT on April 14, 2017
The IMAs are sfxs and the corrupted Oggs are mini truncated versions of other existing files for pre-loading I believe.
I added support for those too but they are just ~1sec long.

One more I had lying around:
Clannad HD (PC/Steam exclusive) [don't forget Gameexe.ini has the loop points; doesn't include movies since the .nwa also had the songs]
by RetroFanatic at 10:55 PM EDT on April 14, 2017

Does the new Shovel Knight music sound like it does in-game? I remember trying to rip it myself with some...nah, can't have been an nsf-file, can it?

Anyway, my stereo rip just sounded strange and not at all like it did in the game.

Either way, thanks for the upload.

Edit: Oh, it's mono? And mp3 codec. Would it be possible to make it sound like it does in the game?

edited 11:13 PM EDT April 14, 2017
by ChillyBilly at 12:11 AM EDT on April 15, 2017
I bring forth more goodies!


Shounen Sunday x Shounen Magazine: Nettou! Dream Nine



Bullet Soul

Hunahpu: way of the Warrior

Revenant Saga

More may follow soon. We'll see...
by kode54 at 12:36 AM EDT on April 15, 2017
I clearly have no taste, as I am committing myself to finishing Yooka-Laylee, and actually find it a challenge and total time sink. I must compulsively collect everything, and I don't care too much how terrible the camera is. I just put up with it.
by Knurek at 6:33 AM EDT on April 15, 2017
A bunch of new PC rips:

Card City Nights (2014-02-14)(Ludosity)
Ittle Dew (2013-07-23)(Ludosity)
Ittle Dew 2 (2016-11-15)(Ludosity)(Nicalis)
Mr. Shifty (2017--04-13)(Team Shifty)(tinyBuild)

Second batch:

Beat Cop (2017-03-30)(Pixel Crow)(11 bit)
Dungeon of the Endless (2014-10-27)(Amplitude)
Endless Legend (2014-09-18)(Amplitude)(Sega)
Endless Space (2012-07-04)(Amplitude)(Sega)
Endless Space 2 (2016-10-06)(Amplitude)(Sega)
Has-Been Heroes (2017-03-28)(Frozenbyte)(GameTrust)
Saints Row - Gat out of Hell (2015-01-22)(Deep Silver Volition, High Voltage)(Deep Silver)

I've also updated the Stellaris rip with music from first two DLCs.

edited 9:41 AM EDT April 15, 2017

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