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- by Knurek at 10:29 AM EDT on May 1, 2017
- Next PC batch:
Assault Android Cactus (2015-09-23)(Witch Beam)
Chroma Squad (2015-04-30)(Behold)
Constant C (2014-03-07)(International Games System)
Dragon Fantasy - The Black Tome of Ice (2016-05-26)(Muteki)(Choice Provisions)
Dragon Fantasy - The Volumes of Westeria (2015-04-09)(Muteki)(Choice Provisions)
eversion (2010-06-07)(Zaratustra)
Final Fantasy III (2014-05-27)(Square Enix)
Final Fantasy IV - The After Years (2015-05-12)(Square Enix)
Final Fantasy IV (2014-09-17)(Square Enix)
Final Fantasy V (2015-09-24)(Square Enix)
Flame in the Flood, The (2016-02-24)(The Molasses Flood)(Curve Digital)
Frayed Knights - The Skull of S'makh-Daon (2014-07-24)(Rampant)
Grow Home (2015-02-04)(Reflections)(Ubisoft)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop! (2015-07-13)(Daylight)(Daedalic)
Hot Tin Roof - The Cat That Wore A Fedora (2015-02-20)(Glass Bottom)
JumpJet Rex (2015-4-22)(TreeFortress)
Kingdom - New Lands (2016-08-09)(Noio)(Raw Fury)
Kingdom (2015-10-21)(Noio, Licorice)(Raw Fury)
Kingdom Rush (2014-01-06)(Ironhide)
klocki (2016-07-13)(Maciej Targoni, Wojciech Wasiak)
Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler- (2015-07-28)(Denneko Yuugi)(Skai Project)
Marvin's Mittens (2014-12-17)(Breakfall)
Millennium 1 - A New Hope (2014-04-26)(Aldorlea)
Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher (2014-07-10)(Aldorlea)
Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf (2014-08-30)(Aldorlea)
Millennium 4 - Beyond Sunset (2014-09-20)(Aldorlea)
Millennium 5 - The Battle of the Millennium (2014-11-08)(Aldorlea)
PixelJunk Nom Nom Galaxy (2015-08-03)(Q-Games)
Puzzle Dimension (2010-07-21)(Doctor)
Recursion Deluxe (2016-02-12)(2D Heroes)
Royal Trap, The - The Confines Of The Crown (2015-04-03)(Hanako)
Savant - Ascent (2013-12-04)(D-Pad)
Skulls of the Shogun (2013-07-29)(17-BIT)
Super Splatters (2013-06-26)(SpikySnail)
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 1 - A Patriot is Born (2015-01-29)(No Bull Intentions)(Phoenix Online)
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 2 - Patriot Frames (2015-01-29)(No Bull Intentions)(Phoenix Online)
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3 - Ice Cold in Ellis (2015-01-29)(No Bull Intentions)(Phoenix Online)
Zenodyne R (2016-05-29)(Team Grybanser Fox)
Zenohell (2015-10-15)(Team Grybanser Fox)
- by bnnm at 5:17 PM EDT on May 3, 2017
- Some (most?) MC3 rips (and the BMS):
Mission Impossible - Operation Surma (PS2)
MX Rider (PS2)
Spy Hunter (PS2) part1, part2
Terminator - Dawn of Fate (PS2)
Terminator 3 - The Redemption (PS2)
I'm sure Ultrafighter can add the rest.
And other stuff:
Terminator - Dawn of Fate (Xbox)
Gantz The Game (PS2) [re-rip]
The Irregular at Magic High School Lost Zero (Android)
- by marcusss at 12:53 AM EDT on May 4, 2017
- Here are some XB360 rips
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project (XBLA) [OGG]
Ecco the Dolphin (XBLA) [XMA]
GHOSTBUSTERS Sanctum of Slime(XBLA) [OGG 6Ch]
Haunted House (XBLA) [IMA]
Tecmo Bowl Throwback (XBLA) [XWB]
Puzzle Bobbble LIVE! (XBLA)
Metal Slug XX (XBLA) [XWB]
Metal Slug XX has remixed music compared to the arcade.
edited 8:14 PM EDT May 4, 2017
edited 9:49 PM EDT May 4, 2017
- by Ultrafighter at 2:05 AM EDT on May 4, 2017
- @Bnnm: I don't know of any other games using MC3s so it should be it, these five titles are the only VGs where one can stumble upon MPC3 codec; BTW thanks for finally implementing *.mc3 files into VGMstream!
@Marcusss: You can install Windows Media Series 9 or newer and use Stream Editor included in it; with the help of the latter I successfully demuxed 100% WMV videos I ever dealt with and didn't have a single problem with playback of resulting WMAs. Would you like to test it on any future *.wmv movies instead of relying entirely on VGMToolBox?
Best wishes!
- by marcusss at 5:28 AM EDT on May 4, 2017
- @Ultrafighter
Thanks for the info.
edited 5:30 AM EDT May 4, 2017
I forgot to add
Sonic CD (XBLA)[OGG]
edited 10:41 PM EDT May 4, 2017
- by ChillyBilly at 10:25 PM EDT on May 4, 2017
- Had some more free time today, so here's some PC rips!
Aliens Go Home Run
An Alien With a Magnet
Hot Guns
Phantom Trigger (Alpha release, hence no specific release date)
- by Knurek at 2:33 PM EDT on May 5, 2017
- One new PC rip from me:
Legend of Heroes, The - Trails in the Sky the 3rd (2017-05-03)(Falcom)(XSEED)
Feel free to check the frontend, which highlights the latest updates.
Mad props to Datschge.
- by abuse of circ at 8:12 PM EDT on May 5, 2017
- Metal Slug XX never came out in arcades, I don't think? It's the PSP/360 remix of 7. Sorry to be a stickler. Thanks for upload.
hype for mobile.joshw
- by ChillyBilly at 12:44 AM EDT on May 6, 2017
- And now for non-PC rips!
Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen - Seima Senki no Shou (Not sure if I managed to grab all the movies.... some of the AFS files didn't extract properly for me. I demuxed as many as I could, though)
Viewtiful Joe 2 (Wanted to rip the first game too, but I couldn't extract that title's audio... I'm still looking into it, though)
Virtua Quest
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2014
Xbox 360
Caladrius (Had issues with the PS3 version's audio a while back, so I went for this one instead)
The Last Remnant
So, about the Power Pro '14 rip.... it's Wwise, but since .wem files are playable now, I didn't need to do any conversion this time. Hence, looping tracks! ;) And with that being said, I have one more surprise:
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2016 ver. 2.0 (PS3)
^Yep, I went and re-ripped the whole thing! Enjoy the (properly looped) tunes, guys!
- by marcusss at 4:03 AM EDT on May 6, 2017
- Thanks for the frontend link knurek. Nice list and easy for everyone to keep up with the rips ;)
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