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- by ChillyBilly at 9:51 PM EST on December 12, 2017
- Got a few uploads done today:
12 is better than 6: The Apostles
Asterix: The Gallic War
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
DmC: Devil May Cry
^As far as DmC is concerned, I faced a similar issue as I did with my prior Splatterhouse rip.... that is to say, there were a bunch of tiny musical snippets mixed in, along with cutscene audio. Again, I tried to get rid of as much SFX as I could, but I ultimately half-assed things again, lol. That aside, enjoy!
- by mariofan12ify at 9:49 AM EST on December 13, 2017
- Anyone know how to extract .arc files? A couple of games such as Mario Kart Double Dash have them and I want to extract them to see their content.
- by Nisto at 12:03 PM EST on December 13, 2017
- @mariofan12ify: think you might be able to extract them using rarc dump.
- by Ultrafighter at 3:34 PM EST on December 13, 2017
- @Mark: I finished wading through Mace Griffin sounds today (frigging game took much more time to get rid of duplicates than to actually listen to all remaining unique WAVs) so rejoice as my rip is on the way! I compiled final version and upped it a few hours ago so it's up to our VGM set moderator now. I guess it won't take long for this gamerip to appear on JoshW servers.
Also here's Stuntman Ignition BGM for you, I decided to split given SFXMUSIC.MBK into pieces though: the 1st, much shorter one, has mostly licensed songs while the 2nd part (the one provided in package above) contains all original music & a bit of SFX in the very end.
Just be prepared to hear some dupes here and there, sometimes the same track 2 or 3 times in a row like the one starting at 59:39 and ending at 1:14:38. If that specific section gets too boring, frustrating or downright infuriating for you feel free to jump straight to numerous country instrumentals and those announcements / swooshes / engine roars in the end.
And of course you can also request SFXMUSIC_1.ss2 if you feel like it, there's not just pop-rock with vocals there because some nice instrumentals are thrown into that mix too. I can even post exact timings for those select compositions if you need them.
- by BlackRX at 4:39 PM EST on December 13, 2017
- Reposting my requests from a few months ago-
Hyper Lode Runner (Every rip is horribly broken)
Battleship/Navy Blue 1 - All songs are sped up, only plays properly in Droidsound-E
Navy Blue '90 - Same as above
Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness - Unripped
Speedy Gonzales Aztec Adventure - Unripped
TaleSpin (TG16) - Unripped
Super Widget - Missing death tune and I think the invincibility tune
AirFli (Doujin game)
Super Marisa Land
- by bxaimc at 10:19 PM EST on December 14, 2017
- Uploaded:
-Crash Nitro Kart (2003-11-11)(Vicarious Visions)(Universal Interactive)[GCN][RR] Finally re-ripped with the long lost menu music included.
-Hover - Revolt of Gamers (2015-04-06)(Fusty Game)(Migdar Studio)[PC]
-FIFA 17 (2016-09-27)(EA Vancouver, EA Bucharest)(EA Sports)[PS3]
-FIFA 16 (2015-09-22)(EA Canada)(EA Sports)[PS3]
-Steins;Gate - Darling of Loving Vows [Steins;Gate - Hiyoku Renri no Darling] (2012-05-24)(-)(5pb)[PS3]
- by ChillyBilly at 8:57 PM EST on December 15, 2017
- Here's my latest round:
Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS!!!!!!
Dimension Drive (Pretty awesome soundtrack, this one. A recommended download!)
Fearful Symmetry & The Cursed Prince
Sayonara Umihara Kawase
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Portal Power
Umihara Kawase Shun
Umineko: Golden Phantasia
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition
Lollipop Chainsaw (Ripping this one was hella tedious, but I think I got all the music. Either way, I'm not in the mood to look through thousands of files again for a missing jingle or whatever, lol)
Sengoku Basara HD Collection (Now this, I'm 110% sure I got everything. Big credit goes to aluigi from Zenhax for helping me extract the files!)
Sonic the Fighters
Until next time!
edited 8:58 PM EST December 15, 2017
- by bxaimc at 10:36 AM EST on December 16, 2017
- Oh nice, I love me some arcana heart.
- by ChillyBilly at 10:45 PM EST on December 16, 2017
- Got one more to add:
The Awakened Fate: Ultimatum (PS3)
- by NintenComet at 12:35 AM EST on December 17, 2017
- Hey, Knurek! What's your policy on scraping? The general rule of thumb is to not hammer a server with megabytes of downloads per second. A command like this is customary:
$ wget -r URL --limit-rate 800K --continue --wait 3
A penny for your thoughts.
edited 12:37 AM EST December 17, 2017
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