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- by Ultrafighter at 4:44 PM EST on January 7, 2018
- @Bnnm: Big thanks for Superbike 2001 set, I grabbed this one as soon as it was transferred to JoshW server!
Are you going to rip SBK '99 or Superbike 2000 too? It'd never hurt to have those if only for completeness sake (and despite the fact Superbike 2001 reuses quite a few tracks from Superbike 2000).
BTW I'd change these *.asf extensions to *.sng ones in case someone uses foobar2000 as main player. I mean XMPlay isn't so picky and would play both movie streams fine regardless of extension but Foobar won't accept those and add them to playlist until they're given that SNG extension.
Actually this is a really old issue (or tiny bug if you wish) which I don't entirely understand so maybe there're some important differences between ASFs & SNGs and one shouldn't play with file renaming so lightheartedly. Or maybe I'm simply imagining such a problem while it's virtually nonexistent and most users utilize Winamp\XMPlay for playback? Anyway it's up to them to decide, I just thought it'd be better to post this small heads-up for any Foobar 2000 fans who are going to listen to SBK '01 gamerip (or who will stumble upon similar EA audio files in the future).
Also is "Guilty gear Xrd -SIGN-" PS4 set playable already and if yes are there more or less descriptive filenames as in PC version (not "bigfile_#.ext" style ones)? Somehow I haven't found an OST for it yet and I checked out PC gamerip quite some time ago. That's why I'd like to try out another platform but I'd expect it to be readily playable and stuff (be it VGMstream support, TXTH solution or something else).
PS. And hi Bxaimc, it's nice to meet you as our new streamed VGM moderator!
- by marcusss at 5:31 PM EST on January 7, 2018
- Windows games are the same these days.. 40gb downloads to get 500mb but always worth it. I hope some people with fast connections don't give up grabbing those ps4 rips ;)
- by bnnm at 5:59 PM EST on January 7, 2018
- @bxaimc - if you can do it that'd be great, giant downloads and all. In case it helps somebody made a tool at xentax.
@Ultrafighter - I could swear foobar opened .asf before, interesting. EA's formats come in many extensions like .sng/asf/mus/eam which are equivalent. Not all .asf will work when renamed though, but I could massage the detection some.
Guilty Gear yes and yes. Superbike don't think so but the files were in plain sight, should be easy if somebody else wants to rip it (for the videos I posted a demuxer in the VGMToolbox thread).
- by marcusss at 11:18 PM EST on January 7, 2018
- GG for the ps4 is so much larger than otger versions so can't wait to check it out
- voilà by bxaimc at 1:36 AM EST on January 8, 2018
- @mariofan12ify, here ya go:
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (2015-08-18)(HexaDrive)(Square Enix)[PC]
For completeness sake, I included some audio from the videos but the music is mixed in with voices and sfx.
edited 1:43 AM EST January 8, 2018
- by mariofan12ify at 6:02 AM EST on January 8, 2018
- Thanks! Btw, is the victory fanfare part of the set? I mean the jingle that plays when you level up.
- by Ultrafighter at 7:19 AM EST on January 8, 2018
- @Marcusss: Sheer size of disc dump has nothing to do with audio specs, my guess is that sound quality of multiplatform titles on PS4 is mediocre or even low compared to XBone or PC counterparts. I think that history will repeat itself (the same story as with quality expectations regarding PS3 audio) & HQ or even lossless streams will be rarely found in PS4 ISOs/dumps.
@Bnnm: it's cool to have that EA movie demuxer handy so maybe there's all more reason to rerip those SBK (1999) or Superbike 2000 games. I ripped both titles eons ago but obviously didn't even look for vids since I was uninterested. Probably one day I'll redo both VGs and do the job more thoroughly.
Goodbye all!
edited 7:21 AM EST January 8, 2018
- by bxaimc at 7:48 AM EST on January 8, 2018
- @mariofan12ify, aw darn, no it’s not. I’ll have to go back and search in the sfx banks. I’ll get to that as soon as I’m back later today and let you know when it’s up.
EDIT: Ok, so it might take a little longer than I anticipated. Some of the SCDs in the sfx folders and archives aren't playing correctly or at all so we'll need to fix first, otherwise I won't be able to find all the jingles.
On another note, I'm seeing 48k PCM in Rayman Legends (PS4). Will upload that soon.
edited 12:51 PM EST January 8, 2018
- by bnnm at 2:55 PM EST on January 8, 2018
- @Ultrafighter - PS4/Vita often use ATRAC9, while XBone still XMA (IIRC), Vorbis on PC, and Switch may now use Opus; quality should be similar for all those.
Note that ADPCM (bigger, often used on PC) may actually be a bit lower quality than the above (not necessarily audible but keep in mind).
For some reason many devs (Unreal Engine mainly) used low quality MP3s in PS3 (I guess Sony didn't share ATRAC3 or wasn't too efficient), but that's not the case anymore.
- by bxaimc at 3:10 PM EST on January 8, 2018
- Rayman Legends (2014-02-18)(Ubisoft Montpellier)(Ubisoft)[PS4] is up
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