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by (!!!!!) at 7:41 PM EST on January 9, 2018

inFAMOUS Second Son (2014-03-21)(Sucker Punch)(SCE America).7z
by AnonRunzes at 8:01 PM EST on January 9, 2018
@(!!!!!) - Your latest rip better have untouched files this time. Otherwise you can either re-do it again by keeping everything as-is or you can fuck off.

edited 8:03 PM EST January 9, 2018
by (!!!!!) at 9:02 PM EST on January 9, 2018
I don't know what the hell you're going on about. It's rare for me to tweak something as trivial as the filenames before I upload here.
by AnonRunzes at 9:39 PM EST on January 9, 2018
It's for "precautionary" measures.

edited 9:40 PM EST January 9, 2018
by bxaimc at 9:57 PM EST on January 9, 2018
It takes some real patience downloading these humongous games, I tell ya. Will check it out and add it to the archives soon.
by mariofan12ify at 10:07 PM EST on January 9, 2018
So bxaimc, have you figured out the FF Type-0 HD sfx files yet?
by bxaimc at 10:21 PM EST on January 9, 2018
@mariofan12ify, not yet. Still waiting to see if bnnm can fix the SCD bug in vgmstream. Once that's done, I can go back and sort out the banks. I'll let you know when you can redownload the set.
by mariofan12ify at 2:31 AM EST on January 10, 2018
@bxaimc - Cool, thanks. Looking forward to it.
NOTICE by bxaimc at 1:33 AM EST on January 11, 2018
NOTE: I won't be able to release Street Fighter V (PS4) due to a couple of reasons:

1. There isn't a proper extractor for the ACB/AWBs.
2. Every song has 6 mono hca files to it that play at the same time in-game to create a surround sound effect.
3. Because there's no proper extractor, VGMToolbox, for example, will name one of the files something like AC_BGM_CHARASELE.hca, based on the internal names, but will leave the rest of the 5 streams like BGM_CHARA_SELECT.acb.0000x.hca when all of them should have the same base name, at least something like AC_BGM_CHARASELE_x.hca per file. I suspect this issue is similar to the one we had with Sonic Forces where all the names are messed up. I think some files are supposed to have same name (like some of the speedup tracks) and VGMToolbox doesn't recognize it like that and then hands of the next name in the table instead of doing a blah_1 and blah_2 file combination.
4. I want to hold off for a bit to perhaps find a solution to have all 6 streams play at the same time via a generic container format, similar to GENH or some other hacky way. Maybe that way if its accomplished, I can finally release Street Fighter x Tekken also.

Thanks ahead of time for understanding! =3

edited 1:36 AM EST January 11, 2018
by bnnm at 2:03 PM EST on January 11, 2018
I hope you consider adding unsupported sets maybe with some kind of tag or 'zzz_unsupported' folder.
Just having them easily accesible is useful for devving, plus a lot more motivating to add support/fix as they are immediatedly available for all, plus you can see how many sets are fixed with one feature.

I want to do some kind of codec/layout that plays codec in multistreams/layers/multisongs (like current AAX/AIX but more standard) as some formats use them, then it could be added to GENH/TXTH, but it's complex stuff so it'll take me a while to think about a good way to implement.
In SF5 maybe they are played directly with the .ACB cues though.

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