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by AnonRunzes at 1:45 PM EST on January 15, 2018
Uhh, where's the link for your "rip" mygoshi?

edited 1:46 PM EST January 15, 2018
by bxaimc at 3:19 PM EST on January 15, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 3:38 PM EST on January 15, 2018
@AnonRunzes: I also use VGMTB for very few specific tasks like console ISO browsing / individual file extraction & demuxing videos but regarding advanced cutter jobs it sometimes comes in handy too (for example it helped me immensely with Indiana Jones and the emperor's tomb PS2 SFX because ADPCM Player & QuickBMS with generic splitter BMS didn't do the job as good as they should have).
Maybe I simply got used to it over the years but I've never been anyhow embarrassed by it: dumping select files outta ISOs might be a long and bothersome task but one can always extract whole folders and do the sorting with a file manager later on; I also don't quite like that solution of developer when some (or most) actions are heavily relied on drag-and-dropping, especially when it comes to pretty small boxes for input files - I'd prefer "add file/folder" button but w-e.

The biggest complaint I can think of is lack of XBLA/PSN file systems support (shouldn't demand for such platforms be really high? why should be still utilize 3rd party tools when there's such a great & promising ripping combine as VGMT?) along with some other popular movie formats missing from demuxer list (at least WMV & AVI should be fixed/added already, maybe also Theora/OGM/OGG Video). That's about it I guess...

@Bxaimc: what should I do with my original FSB holding multiple XMA streams - upload it unchanged or am I allowed to add individual track FSBs to my set (possibly including initial bank as well in case someone prefers the latter)?
Actually this bank is just 188 MBs, I suppose it'd not be a waste of space even if I upped both: with storage capacities today filesizes aren't an issue anymore! Am I thinking in the right vein?

Till next time!

edited 3:45 PM EST January 15, 2018
Try to contain yourselves... by bxaimc at 12:10 AM EST on January 16, 2018
I finally got the Ok to release these so...

Super Mario Odyssey (2017-10-27)(Nintendo EPD)(Nintendo)

Fire Emblem Warriors [Fire Emblem Musou] (2017-09-28)(Omega Force)(Koei Tecmo)


edited 1:01 AM EST January 16, 2018
by mariofan12ify at 1:02 AM EST on January 16, 2018

Sorry, got a bit out of hand..

EDIT: I've noticed that some of the tracks don't play in foobar. I'm guessing that they have too many channels, so is there a way I can get them to play?

edited 1:35 AM EST January 16, 2018
by bxaimc at 2:54 AM EST on January 16, 2018
You can try converting them to wav. But if you want to maintain a lossless experience, you can transcode them to individual bfstms using furrybob's VGAudio tool
by mariofan12ify at 3:07 AM EST on January 16, 2018
I've tried to use that, but I honestly have no idea how to.
by Mygoshi at 6:33 AM EST on January 16, 2018
wav IS lossless
by mariofan12ify at 6:47 AM EST on January 16, 2018
I tried converting those files to wav with foobar, but they didn't work.
by Vector Harbor at 6:55 AM EST on January 16, 2018
Nice ! Now all we need is Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That would be super amazing !

Also about the fire emblem warriors rip besides the quality, is there any differences from the 3DS Counterpart ?

edited 6:58 AM EST January 16, 2018

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