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by Vector Harbor at 11:29 AM EST on January 16, 2018

Basically download this archive and drag & drop one by one, it will be converted into .wav
by Mygoshi at 11:34 AM EST on January 16, 2018

Download test from the last version of VGMStream. Place them in the same folder as the SM Odyssey BFWAVs/BFSTMs. Open a notepad, write :
for %%a in (*.bfwav) do test -o "%%a".wav %%a
Save the file as test.bat and select "all types".
Launch it. All the BFWAVs are going to be converted to WAV. Redo it but with (*.bfstm) and it'll do the same thing.
by bxaimc at 11:35 AM EST on January 16, 2018
The problem is even after you convert to wav, you won’t be able to play it straight out of the box. You’ll probably need to open it in audacity or similar and mute the tracks individually. Also, VGAudio and vgmstream’s test.exe has switches to select the range of channels you want to output to a file. vgmstream dumps to a wav, VGAudio dumps to whatever you want: brstm, wav, adx, hca, idsp, etc. but if you want to dump to, say a brstm from a bfstm, it separates the data from the header, deinterleaves the streams while preserving the data, rebuilds the header to the appropriate selection, and then appends it back to the desired data which in this case could be channels 3 and 4 or whatever you selected for the switch on the command line tool.

edited 11:39 AM EST January 16, 2018
by Vector Harbor at 11:38 AM EST on January 16, 2018
Not really a problem but the thing many channel can audacity hold ?

edited 11:40 AM EST January 16, 2018
by bxaimc at 11:39 AM EST on January 16, 2018
Idk, I think I tried up to 20 once
by mariofan12ify at 8:33 PM EST on January 16, 2018
Ok, well none of those suggestions seemed to work, so can someone else do it and post a download of the separated files? Thanks
by Ultrafighter at 12:11 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Hey guys, is anyone willing to rip Carmageddon: Reincarnation (or better Max damage) & Killing floor 2? The 1st one has never been ripped (there's some 320 kbps version out there but I'm almost sure it's not a streamed set we'd like to get a hold of) and the 2nd one was ripped and not even transcoded (!!) but tagged (filenames were changed & OGG internal tags were added which doesn't make it a proper 1:1 gamerip in my book). Not to mention that KF2 should be reripped now if only for preservation of WEMs (original RIFX Vorbis streams) instead of rebuilding them to "normal" *ogg files which anyone's able to play back.
I'd process both titles myself but it might take quite some time as HDD space is pretty tight ATM (I mean I can't dedicate 20 GBs of free space for mere installation of Carma: Max damage). That's why I'd be very grateful to anyone who's interested in those soundtracks too and probably able to make streamed rips of those games.

BTW was is actually you Mark, were you truly the one who added Carmageddon Crashers for iOS? I didn't quite expect these 9 short tracks to have such an impact on me, I don't remember having been impressed by that Carmageddon Reincarnation gamerip nearly as much... although there shouldn't be any unique compositions in Crashers, merely recycled and abridged stuff from Reincarnation.
Anyway there's all more reason to back up that great soundtrack on JoshW! I've got a feeling that it gotta use FSB OGG too (call it a wild guess but we'll see if it's gonna turn out true or not)!

So long!
by marcusss at 11:09 PM EST on January 17, 2018
Hi Ultrafighter YES I uploaded that as it was not bad eh though a little short. I look forward to more releases.

And here is another encrypted VITA music release

Everybody's Golf

SXD1 with accompanying SXD2 files. Would be great if someone can get it working.

BTW has anyone used the Bitsquid engine script/tools to extract VITA AT9 or anything other than wav or OGG as a game I ripped uses that engine but when I use tools to decode the stream and timpani banks I get " Unknown Audio Type" error and nothing extracts, so due to being atrac9 or some other audio perhaps?? I wish it still etracted the unknown audio though..

The Bitsquid tools worked when I ripped games such as Magicka 2 for PC previously so stuck on this one...


edited 12:21 AM EST January 18, 2018

edited 12:21 AM EST January 18, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 4:19 AM EST on January 18, 2018
Hello Mark, it's awesome to see you resume ripping again! As for unplayable stuff... maybe you should try and guess codec used in bigger streams (inspect em in Hex & look for known strings / identifiers?) then rename them to (more or less) corresponding extensions and see if it works (for example in XMPlay)? Even players without vgmstream plugin can play (stereo/mono) MP3s wrapped in XVAGs or MSFs (stripping unknown bytes at file start on fly) so why can't XMPlay that's not too picky regarding extensions attempt playing formats already added to it? Do you see some analogy here or am I simply making wild guesses?

Edit: This might interest you: Crash Time 4 - The Syndicate (X360)(2012-01-24)(Synetic)(DTP). If you like this one I can also upload Crash time #1&3 to some file host for I don't know how long it'll take for those 2 sets to appear on JoshW. If you're interested just tell me!
PS. Now only reripping CT2 remains in my top-priority list...

edited 5:53 AM EST January 18, 2018
by marcusss at 11:18 AM EST on January 18, 2018
Hi Ultrafighter. I also prefer to hex edit stuff and lots of music even vag usually have junk at the beginning but lately the vita stuff all look encrypted in hex without any identifiers for example and no idea what encryption is used..unless I missed the boat on that one. Knurek did a lot so maybe he has an idea. I am just fiddling around with vita stuff as want to rip games not yet ripped. Quite a few use .psarc, some work with script while quite a few others are encrypted from what I have come across..Damn encryption :p i might get some time to rip some old pc/ios/Android stuff soon.

I will give CT4 a listen and know

edited 11:19 AM EST January 18, 2018

edited 11:21 AM EST January 18, 2018

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