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by Ultrafighter at 2:20 PM EST on January 22, 2018
Hey BX, can you please post exact keys/options/settings for demuxing *.wmv (or videos in general) with ffmpeg.exe? As I promised I started using it when I stumbled upon WMVs\ASFs again and I'm currently getting used to it. It'd not hurt however to have the most legit CMD keys for proper demultiplexing (maybe FFMPEG will come in handy when dealing with some other movie codecs not supported by VGMT's demuxer).
by bxaimc at 3:13 PM EST on January 22, 2018
It’s usually something like

ffmpeg -i “something.wmv” -vn -acodec copy “something.wma”
by marcusss at 4:56 PM EST on January 22, 2018
I added 1 more to the server this time.
* Jydge (10tons) iOS ~ was a little bit of a pain to rip

,the same company that made Neon Chrome and Time Recoil so has nice music once again. Around 89 music tracks.

Cheers! Good to see some more stuff getting uploaded recently


edited 4:58 PM EST January 22, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 9:35 PM EST on January 22, 2018
@Bxaimc: I used almost the same commands but apparently "-vn" key wasn't in the right place and I wasn't quite sure that demuxing results were actually 1:1 streams, not any kind of re-encodes by ffmpeg.exe. It's all fine now and output WMAs can even be played in FB2K (but extension change to *.vgmstream is still required). You'll find those tracks in Pyroblazer set.

@Marcusss: BTW I highly recommend that score to you because it didn't sound like an original soundtrack for a futuristic racing title (not to mention that it's Wipeout or Extreme-G styled one!), IMHO Pyroblazer's music would fit any modern RPG perfectly (sic!). It might be not as diverse & atmospheric as your typical Divinity album but their staff composer still did really good job.
That's why you should try it out; this rip gotta appear on JoshW... in a few days I suppose.

I'd also like to point out that utterly hilarious score from Chaps and the Ring, you'll be able to enjoy this one even if you don't understand a word in songs (there's just 3 of them anyway) & speech from all the vids remains totally cryptic to you.
Do you remember that Dawn of magic 2 gamerip? It had a composition with vocals too, it was an absolutely legitimate song and pretty funny too (kinda ironic ode to standard heroes & recurring stereotypes of the genre). Anyway check out xb_*.ogg tracks there, believe me they're all unique and such stuff is nowhere to be found (even in this game's sequel which I'm planning to rerip but can't find an ISO these days).
Also mg_#.ogg ones are nice especially if you like rockabilly & surf rock. All in all it's a relatively long soundtrack considering its filesize & pretty humble bitrates for streams (it's 100% Vorbis if you're wondering).

Till next time!

Edit: Hi Bxaimc, I've just stumbled upon (2011-07-06)(Pipeworks)(Spike).7z]a set with an erroneous name - shouldn't it mention XBLA instead of PSN?

edited 9:08 AM EST January 23, 2018
by marcusss at 11:00 AM EST on January 23, 2018
Thanks Ultrafighter. I will give the samples and your rips a listen. Cheers. Yeah DoM was good. I like when some games have some tidbits or fun voiceovers ingame or hidden which are easily found when we rip the game.

A few iOS rips with more later..

* Strain Tactics
* Space Maze Beyond Infinity.

I think you will probably like Jydge music as it is a spinoff from Neon Chrome (top down shooter) and has many types of music but yeah music from Jydge, Neon Chrome and Time Recoil are from same artist likely. Wish was higher than 128kbps but it is mobile afterall and still sounds good. Probably you will like my rip of Gravity Crash for Vita as has some funky music.

I will make time to listen to your rips and give some feedback ;)


edited 11:36 AM EST January 23, 2018
by marcusss at 1:28 AM EST on January 25, 2018
iOS releases

* Puddle Plus
* Mr. Future Ninja
* Wolf of the Battlefield Commando
* Myst Deutsch
* Endless A Lost Note

More later on..

* GRID Autosport (2016-11-18)(Feral Interactive)
* Rome Total War Alexander (2017-07-26)(Feral Interactive)


edited 11:16 AM EST January 25, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 10:40 AM EST on January 25, 2018
Wow this "Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando" set looks very interesting, I'll grab it ASAP! Thanks for ripping & providing this one Mark!
by marcusss at 10:57 AM EST on January 25, 2018
Ahh sorry but it is a spinoff from COmmando arcade game and has 8 bit style music atrac3. Interesting iOS using at3 music as I didn't see it much.

You probably like grid music since it is more pumping racing car music. The game folders are a mess though with folders in folders (I tried to keep them in 1 folder but not practical). Also had more than 1 main archive for music so just be prepared for lots of music and jingles although the music IS good.. and also some webm files contain music and play in vgmstream but i can't separate the audio from the heavily compressed video so I left them in webm folder for now. At a later date I can rerip if I know how it..but for now they still play with vgmstream

edited 5:38 PM EST January 25, 2018
by RetroFanatic at 3:09 PM EST on January 25, 2018
Just a small question here, or two. Why does Grandia II only have a sample rate of 22kHz? Was it like that in the actual game too?
by Vector Harbor at 3:42 PM EST on January 25, 2018

The pc version is at 44k HZ. The bad thing is that it's using oog vorbis.

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