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- by JFD62780 at 9:40 PM EDT on May 7, 2013
- Funny. I saw directories at least...
- by Dais! at 9:52 PM EDT on May 7, 2013
- I had no trouble downloading Gradius ReBirth just now.
(speaking of which, I notice that said pack is incomplete, lacking the music provided in the free update the game received)
- "Nothing to see here" by Yoshinkeru at 11:11 PM EDT on May 7, 2013
- Must be this hotel network I'm on right now. Youtube doesn't work either, and downloads start out with a slow speed, then peter out into nothing. I can't figure out how it loads other websites relatively quickly, but won't load things like that.
- by kingshriek at 4:46 AM EDT on May 8, 2013
- Haven't really been keeping up with the emulated music scene for the past few years but something recently possessed me to do a couple more HES rips.
In the archive are rips for Arunamu no Kiba and Tenshi no Uta II. Both are timed and have generic tags. Arunamu no Kiba is another game that uses PSG+ADPCM (same sound driver as Fiend Hunter). Tenshi no Uta II has a pretty cool battle theme (first track in the playlist).
Also included is an updated playlist for the Tokimeki Memorial HES. It includes track titles for the Force Gear mini-game. I also noticed that the Radiant Silvergun (Sega Saturn version) ssf set was missing DSP effects so I updated the set with that (was missing an EFFECT_CHANGE command).
Would appreciate it if the music archive could be updated with these changes. Thanks!
edited 4:51 AM EDT May 8, 2013
- by Knurek at 8:11 AM EDT on May 8, 2013
- Of course, I will gladly put anything you can provide.
HES rips should slot nicely into cmh, whenever it goes live.
Is it Arunamu or Alnam? I've seen both versions, direct romanizations never really were my thing though, so I would gravitate towards the latter.
I'm not sure if you received my email, if not and you haven't already, feel free to visit portable music history, especially given the amount of GBS rips you provided
- by kingshriek at 4:04 PM EDT on May 10, 2013
- Just checked out pmh. Really cool to see such comprehensive coverage of handheld game soundtracks all in a single place. Great work.
Here's some more HES rips I did in the past few days:
Gensou Tairiku Auleria
Megami Tengoku
Ruin - Kami no Isan
Seiryuu Densetsu Monbit
Wrestle Angels - Double Impact
The Gensou Tairiku Auleria rip contains some tracks not present in the VGM set (unused maybe?), however it is missing one track ("Fate" from the VGM set) as I couldn't locate the sequence data for it.
- by Knurek at 6:46 PM EDT on May 10, 2013
- Added all of them, here are the direct links for them and those from the previous update for lazy folks:
Alnam no Kiba - Juuzoku Juuni Shinto Densetsu (TCD)(1994-12-22)(Right Stuff)
Gensou Tairiku Auleria (TCD)(1993-02-26)(Winkysoft)(Taito)
Megami Tengoku (TCD)(1994-09-30)(NEC Interchannel)(NEC)
Ruin - Kami no Isan (TCD)(1993-11-19)(Fill-In-Cafe)(Victor)
Seiryuu Densetsu Monbit (TCD)(1991-08-30)(Hudson)
Tenshi no Uta II - Datenshi no Sentaku (TCD)(1993-03-26)(Riot)
Tokimeki Memorial (TCD)(1994-05-27)(-)(Konami)
Wrestle Angels - Double Impact (TCD)(1995-05-19)(Great)(OeRSTED)(NEC)
edited 6:47 PM EDT May 10, 2013
edited 4:03 AM EDT May 11, 2013
- by mogikihei at 2:35 AM EDT on May 11, 2013
- Thank you for ripping Hes.
Adedd Track Title Gensou Tairiku Auleria m3u
Gensou Tairiku Auleria Unused Track is in game is used CDTrack.(Except is BGM # 14 and BGM # 15, I think these that's unused)
This is the state save and bram save for Ootake the last to be played is "Fate"
(CD)Gensou Tairiku Auleria (J)_state20.dat is state save.
Will be played to the "Fate" to load the state save.
(CD)Gensou Tairiku Auleria (J)_bram.dat is bram save.
bram save is go out after talking to the king you are in the castle.
- by Knurek at 3:57 AM EDT on May 11, 2013
- @mogikihei: Could you also somehow provide names for other CDDA tracks? I have all of them ripped and included in the link posted earlier, but they are using only generic names.
To clarify, here's how my local M3U looks like at the moment, it'd be great if you could fill the currently unnamed CDDA tracks.
edited 4:01 AM EDT May 11, 2013
- by kingshriek at 5:17 AM EDT on May 11, 2013
- Wow, thanks. The save files made it really easy update the HES with the missing track.
Gensou Tairiku Auleria HES (updated):
edited 5:19 AM EDT May 11, 2013
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