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by Moonboy65 at 12:19 PM EDT on April 8, 2018

i'll let you know, thanks
by DaveMan1000 at 4:01 PM EDT on April 8, 2018
Thanks for the info.
by Despair at 6:24 AM EDT on April 10, 2018
Is this an appropriate thread to bring up issues with packs? A chance search led me to metroandroid's new rip of .hack//quarantine here

Two tracks that were previously broken are now fixed, but there are several other tracks with errors/issues that have gone unnoticed for years (I never expected anyone would re-rip, let alone fix the already noted issues); these are:

"ev05 (Phase No. 1 Skeith)" has noticeable pops like "Cyan" and "Tail Concerto" did at 3.5, 5.5, etc. seconds in
"bonus0 (800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track Panta-kimi)" has the same deal at ~1.5, 2.5, etc. seconds in
"stage17 (Common Snowfield Night Field ~ Battle)" has them at .8, 3.0, 5.2, etc. seconds
"title (Title)" has them at 12.5, 13.5, etc. seconds
and both "stage04 (Common Wasteland Field ~ Battle)" and "stage04 (Common Wasteland Field ~ Battle) (Variation)" have them pretty much throughout the entire track.

Those last two, by the way, are referred to as the "Humus" fields in the English version of the game, instead of "Wasteland." Similarly, the "Wilderness" fields in the pack are the ones actually called "Wasteland" in the English game. The "Variation" here is just the Rainy version, if that matters. ("stage12 (Common Wilderness Field ~ Battle) (Variation)" is the Rainy version of the "Wilderness" field as well)
Similarly, "stage17 (Common Snowfield Night Field) (Variation)" is just the regular Day version of the field, and "stage19 (Common Desert Field) (Variation)" is the Desert at Night.
On the same note, "dgn00 (Common Stonewall Dungeon) (Variation)" is the Corrupted version of the Stonewall dungeons, and "dgn01 (Common Cave Dungeon ~ Battle) (Variation)" is the battle theme for the Corrupted verison of the Cave dungeons
Not sure if any of that matters to you pack guys, but I thought it worth mentioning.

Finally, the 3 "Unknown" tracks play during cutscenes. One was officially released/titled, but the other two weren't so lucky, so I've named those after the English cutscene name:
"Unknown 4" plays during "Woman In White"
"Unknown 5" plays during "Balmung & Helba At Holy Ground"
"Unknown 6" plays during "Epitaph Of Twilight (Opening)" (This was actually released on .hack & G.U. SOUNDTRACK Ver. The World and is simply titled "epitaph of the twilight". This same disc also has the "Corrupted" or "Server Breached" Theta and Sigma Root Town themes. All three of these were originally released on .hack//The World Vol.3 Special Sound Track)
by marcusss at 12:58 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
A couple pc rips added

* Ashes of the Singularity
* Kyoto Colorful Days
* Leviathan Starblade

by OzoneOne at 7:26 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
I think the files in the Crash N. Sane Trilogy rip are missing a few fractions of a second from the beginnings, and possibly the endings, which is what's stopping many of them from looping nicely, as they do in-game.

I found another rip that has slightly longer audio files, but everything was converted to low quality OGG for some reason, which isn’t useful

edited 10:35 PM EDT April 10, 2018
by bxaimc at 7:50 PM EDT on April 10, 2018

All of this N’Sanity talk. Alright I’ll go back and recheck everything.
by marcusss at 8:21 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
It's N sane right?

Thanks for your hard work !

edited 8:29 PM EDT April 10, 2018
by OzoneOne at 10:39 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
Thanks for your commitment bxaimc, you’re doing N. Credible work
by bxaimc at 11:10 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
Lol all of these puns. Thanks for the thanks and you’re welcome.

Mark, Chilly, Ultra: Still working on your uploads, sorry if it’s taking a bit long but thanks for contributions. I should have everything up by the weekend, hopefully.
by ChillyBilly at 11:45 PM EDT on April 10, 2018
@BX: Can only speak for myself here, but no need to rush, friend! I'll still pump out as many rips as I can in the meantime! And with that being said, here's some more PC stuff:


Attack on Titan 2 (Thanks to Infernus Animositas for helping me figure out how to extract the music!)


Dragonward (Despite the funny name of the file type ("rpgmvo"), I can definitely confirm it's an OGG variant. Unfortunately, it's unplayable at the moment...)

LIGHT (OGG again, but I think these are encrypted or something, because most of these don't play for me. :/)

More to come!

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