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by bxaimc at 12:29 PM EDT on June 2, 2018
Can confirm, Street Fighter Collection on PS4 is nearly identical to PC, save for a few changes (assuming some optimizations for each platform).
a rip request by threeblacknoises at 1:26 PM EDT on June 2, 2018
Could someone please rip Persona 4 Dancing all Night for the ps4?
I feel it might contain the DLC tracks missing from the vita version
by bxaimc at 3:03 PM EDT on June 2, 2018
If it ever gets dumped, sure
by Knurek at 4:59 PM EDT on June 2, 2018
I've added most (all?) DLC tracks to Vita rip of P4D.
(Will do so with P3D and P5D as soon as the DLC tracks get dumped)
by ChillyBilly at 11:55 PM EDT on June 2, 2018
Alrighty, I've indeed managed to nab some more PC tunage:

Best Buds vs. Bad Guys

Drift Tuner

Existential Kitty Cat RPG

Funk Unplugged


Koloro (I tried cleaning this one up as best as I could, but there might still be a couple SFX tracks in there... my apologies if there are)

Machine Gun Train Run

Melancholy Republic

My Car

Neon Drive

The Polymonial - Space of the music

Space Moth DX

The Watchmaker (Didn't have time to sort this one out... my apologies once more)

Enjoy, guys!
A followup regarding p4d by threeblacknoises at 9:32 AM EDT on June 3, 2018
Thanks for that updated rip, it has everything except for the preview clips for the DLC tracks, but that's not a problem.
I asked for the ps4 version because it might be higher quality than the vita,, but I'm not sure about that.
Also, it seems the p3d and p5d soundtrack is missing some songs like the full-length version of the main themes for the respective games; at least according to vgmdb, so having the highest quality ingame versions would help a lot.
No announcement for a US release date yet, or a collecter's edition containing the OST, but it'll come eventually...
by VIRGIN KLM at 11:50 AM EDT on June 3, 2018
There is something off with Pokemon Gold Spaceworld 1997 Demo rip. If you go with the debug menu to the radio and search for stations you will hear that the wild pokemon battle theme has drums/content on the noise channel. The rip over here hasn't. Whatever was used to dump the tracks is not doing it correctly.
A game missing from the archive by threeblacknoises at 6:53 AM EDT on June 4, 2018
I was just looking through the ps3 section and noticed that BlazBlue Continuem Shift Extend is missing.
I just bought it and love the music!
Could someone please rip it at some point?
by marcusss at 12:14 PM EDT on June 4, 2018
A few more added to my folder on the server.

* Overload (2018-05-21)(Revival Productions, LLCRevival Productions, LLC) [PC]
* Azuran Tales Trials (2018-06-01)(Tiny Trinket Games) [PC]

* Just Shapes & Beats (2018-06-01)(Berzerk Studio) [PC] - Good music. New game which is like shoot em up and dance beats / rythm style music. Is on switch too i believe.

* Descent Underground (2015-10-22)(Descendent Studios)(Little Orbit) [PC]
* Entropy Rising (2015-11-21)(Autotivity Entertainment) [PC]
* FL337 ~Fleet~ (2017-06-21)(KWL Productions) [PC]

*** Kinetic Void [rerip](2014-11-22)(Badland Studio) [PC] - Good VGM! -Current existing rip on server is 170mb or so but my updated rip is close to 400mb as most music is pcm within fsb5 containers...even after high compression is still 350mb or so....much higher than current rip on server. Update please bx ;)

* Knight Squad (2015-11-17)(Chainsawesome Games) [PC]
* The Living Dungeon (2015-11-02)(RadiationBurn) [PC]
* Quatro Luzes (2015-11-15)(Jardel Elias) [PC]
* Ninja Blade [PC]
* Sine Mora EX (2017-08-09)(Digital Reality)(THQ Nordic) [PC]

Enjoy the music in thes ones :-) Time for a break from ripping.

Death Goat has some good songs and a couple.death metal ones as.well so.check it out. ;) Led it Rain has some heavy rock too. Cool stuff.


edited 12:01 PM EDT June 5, 2018
by 0F6 at 8:53 AM EDT on June 6, 2018
@VIRGIN KLM: missing noise channel of Pokemon Gold Spaceworld 1997 Demo rip? ...Don't worry, That is the noise channel of the previous music.
(ノイズチャンネルが抜けてるって? 大丈夫、あれは前の曲のがそのまま流れ続けてるだけで、ノイズチャンネルが無いのが正しいです。)

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