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by marcusss at 1:33 AM EDT on August 8, 2018
A couple more.

Slain Back from Hell [PS4]

Blackhole Complete Edition [PS4] - Nice music

More later

edited 2:53 AM EDT August 8, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 11:40 PM EDT on August 8, 2018
PC uploads coming your way:

Flat Heroes

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe


Pixel Ripped 1989

Punch Planet


by Despair at 8:33 PM EDT on August 9, 2018
For anyone who's interested, I went through the Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Duelists of the Roses game rip and put names to the track numbers using some old rips featured on youtube as a basis.

It looks like 2 tracks aren't used in game. The credits music was missing, so I ripped it from the game's video files with Pssplex (both ending videos have identical audio). I also ripped the opening video's audio, despite it being in the music folder, because it was a lot higher quality in the video file. The 10XX, 20XX, and 30XX files are just the Duel themes with fade ins from different sections of the track which are used when you come back from a monster battle. Being as they're the exact same track with a different start point and a fade in, they're ultimately useless for listening.

Tracks 06 and 39 aren't in the game's music folder.

edited 8:33 PM EDT August 9, 2018

edited 8:33 PM EDT August 9, 2018
by marcusss at 3:10 AM EDT on August 10, 2018
Everspace [PS4]

by ChillyBilly at 11:48 PM EDT on August 10, 2018
It's that time again:


Bad Pad

Black Paradox

Bomber 95


Clicker Heroes 2


The Drone Racing League Simulator

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass



Arkanoid Returns

Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo (Come to think of it, I think this is the first rip of the original Neverhood posted here, isn't it? Funny it's from the Japanese release though, if that's the case! XD)

Wolf Fang: Kuhga 2001

Zoku Gussun Oyoyo


Street Fighter X Tekken (Interestingly, I'm seeing a lot more track variations here compared to the Vita version)

by kode54 at 11:35 PM EDT on August 11, 2018
This set:

Mortal Kombat (2011-04-19)(NetherRealm)(Warner Bros.) [PS3]

Appears to have all of the files named as .wav, which breaks with the latest VGMStream. I'll need to test, but they either need to be named .lwav, .at3, or .at9. Not sure.

Someone reported to me that naming those names randomly corrupts some or other of the files on playback. I'll need to identify the codecs in all of them, then.

E1: Looks like the files are all IMA ADPCM, and the ones that are failing to decode are 4 channel files, and even FFMPEG doesn't know what to do with them.

edited 11:55 PM EDT August 11, 2018
by marcusss at 1:51 AM EDT on August 12, 2018
Another rip. Ari Pulkkinen music

Materfall [PS4]

Enjoy :D


Edit : Added DOOM VFR PS4 as well. Lots of good bgm.. though kinda rock/metal /hardcore bgm

DOOM VFR [id Software][Bethesda][2017-12-01][PS4]

Doom has so many files and possibly a couple of files containing silence I may have left in the rip. Anyway enjoy.

edited 10:21 PM EDT August 12, 2018
by bnnm at 3:53 AM EDT on August 12, 2018
@kode54 - Mortal Kombat was clearly converted with fsbext from the original FSBs, which use an IMA variant I call FSB-IMA already playable in FSB.

So those .wav are useless, I suggest a re-rip since FSB-IMA doesn't exist in .wav form nor is easily detectable.
by Ultrafighter at 4:51 AM EDT on August 12, 2018
@Kode54 - I confirm what Bnnm said and suggest you simply get a copy of Mortal kombat Komplete edition sets (be it PC or PS3 version), they should have all the stuff featured in '11 ver. and more. BTW both rips I mentioned aren't transmogrified at all, they weren't even split from banks into 1-stream FSBs so these have to be the best option out here.

edited 4:52 AM EDT August 12, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 6:59 AM EDT on August 12, 2018
lmao that one Mortal Kombat rip is borked
just curious, who ripped this one?

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