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by MoldyPond at 8:33 PM EDT on September 11, 2018
Not sure honestly, I've only been here since it's been on hiatus. There are other amiga music archive sites though in the meantime :)
by AceK at 8:47 PM EDT on September 11, 2018
Tekken 6 (2007-11-26)(Bandai Namco Games)[Namco System 357]

File structure of the omitted header (presumably .nub as depicted in GAME [.self] contents)

edited 12:20 AM EDT September 12, 2018
by marcusss at 3:26 PM EDT on September 12, 2018
A few rips with good music

* Planet Alpha [PC]
* Sables Grimoire [PC]
* Extinction Deluxe Edition [PC]
* Excubitor [PC]
* Vritra [PC] old school style shooter with good music.
* I am Weapon Revival [PC]
* HugeEnemy Worldbreakers [PC]

* Syndrome (VR) [PS4]

* Fable Anniversary [PC] - My old rip a long time ago (x360) used wwise to ogg so this is in original wwise format. Couldn't be bothered with txth's etc. as the biks' channels are split into single mono left them as they are.


More Later

edited 10:55 AM EDT September 13, 2018
by rcsb at 8:11 PM EDT on September 13, 2018
Any news about Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon? Found some things about it in May, but nothing about it since.
by GuŠµst at 5:29 PM EDT on September 14, 2018
Could you kindly point me in the right direction (other amiga music archive\s)
by ChillyBilly at 11:58 PM EDT on September 14, 2018
Some PC rips coming your way:


Foto Flash 2

Full Metal Renegade

Garrison: Archangel

Gift of Parthax


Ninja Shodown

Oh Ship Arena



Space Maze

Strike Cars

Time Barbarian Extreme

by Knurek at 11:59 AM EDT on September 16, 2018
@punk7890-2: Please reupload [punk7890-2]EVE - Burst Error Plus (2003-07-24)(C's Ware)(NetVillage)[PS2] - bad archive
by Knurek at 12:19 PM EDT on September 16, 2018
@marcusss: Could you please reupload all your recent rips to Joshw? I'll try to help bxaimc with the archive maintenence, but no way in hell I'm downloading stuff from the site you uploaded them to (getting massive 70 kB/s speeds)
Not to mention some of the older links are expired - I'd really prefer not to pay for premium on that site just to get them.

@ChillyBilly: Unless you want to wait for bxaimc to catch up, if you want to have your rips on the archive, please stick to these rules:
1) Please compress the archives with 7Zip, not RAR! It's really time consuming having to constantly repack your rips.
2) Please stick to the official naming scheme:
Game Name (Release date in YYYY-MM-DD)(Developer)(Publisher)
The spaces you keep adding need to be removed manually, which takes up time.
3) If you don't have the time to trim the SFX from the rip, don't post it here. Having to comb through thousands of files for few music tracks also takes up time.
You don't need to upload to the server, I'm getting good speeds from GDrive, so that's a non issue here.

I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm picking on you guys. Please understand, my free time is extremely limited, and so's bxaimc it seems - please do respect that and try to make our life as easy as possible.

edited 12:23 PM EDT September 16, 2018
by marcusss at 3:10 PM EDT on September 16, 2018
Hi Knurek,

No problem. I guess one day soon i will use the ftp to reupload them all and name the recent one properly. I used the websites recently so in the meantime people could download the rips. Do you know roughly how far back I should reupload?? I think something like when i uploaded 3079

Cheers !

edited 3:12 PM EDT September 16, 2018
by Knurek at 4:09 PM EDT on September 16, 2018
@marcusss: I'm not even sure, either bxaimc moved the files from the FTP and is processing them, or somehow a bunch of them got deleted.
Basically anything from and including the MegaRace 3 post, unless bxaimc can confirm he has those and doesn't want them reuploaded.
(Just start in reverse chronology and lmk when you're done with a bunch)

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