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by marcusss at 8:13 AM EST on December 3, 2018
Yeah sequenced..people saying this brwar is a new type and possibly containing samples. Will be intersting how the music will be extracted.
by rcsb at 9:50 AM EST on December 3, 2018
@Sephirothkefka, it's Star Soldier R for the Wii. So it can't be ripped because it's sequenced? I'm curious because here it says that this same format was used for other Wii games that have already been ripped, like Mario Kart Wii, SSB Brawl and Skyward Sword. Do these games use some different, rippable kind of sequenced music?
by marcusss at 11:18 PM EST on December 3, 2018
A couple rips a'comin

* Life Goes On - Done to Death (2014-04-18)(Inifnite Monkeys)

* Great Old One - Arrival (2018-12-03)(Mahjong Knight)

* Ride 3 (PC)

* Infinium Strike (2016-07-15)(Codex Worlds)(1C) [PC]

edited 12:28 AM EST December 4, 2018
by ArcticJaguar725 at 5:44 PM EST on December 4, 2018
@rcsb The inclusion of a BRSAR file alone is no indication of whether a game's music is streamed or sequenced. Take Animal Crossing: City Folk and most of the Wii Channels for example; those use BRSARs and are almost entirely sequenced. Meanwhile, Mario Kart Wii and Brawl both use primarily streamed music in spite of having BRSAR files included (though Mario Kart Wii's WiFi Menu music is actually sequenced).

If a game uses a BRSAR, probably the easiest way in most situations to tell if a game is streamed or sequenced is to look for the use of BRSTM files (the streamed files these games tend to use). If there are few or none, the game is probably sequenced.

That being said, take that advice with a grain of salt. Occasionally, BRSARs will hold the actual streamed files used in games. For instance, Wii Sports actually has its Main Menu music stored in a BRSAR.

edited 5:44 PM EST December 4, 2018
by rcsb at 11:16 PM EST on December 5, 2018
Thanks, @ArcticJaguar725! Always great to have some explanations about this. I'm a newbie when it comes to ripping, it would be great if we had a thread or some document giving insight on ripping music from various type of consoles. If we already have that (or can't have it), I'm not aware.
by defcon at 2:11 PM EST on December 7, 2018
Hi all.

Can someone rip a music from "Starsky & Hutch" [PS2]?

Here is an audio container (.wad) I extracted from ISO:

edited 2:12 PM EST December 7, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 12:03 AM EST on December 8, 2018
Got some more goods to share:


Aeon of Sands: The Trail

Escape Doodland

GODS Remastered

Golf Peaks

Leviathan: A Survival RPG


Pirates of the Polygon Sea

Rival Megagun (The first Wwise rip I managed to organize all on my own.... I'm so proud! :))

Superfighters Deluxe


Bike Rider DX (Unfortunately, this has the PSSE encryption like the Cytus rip did, so if Knurek or anyone else can work their magic on these...?)

Musync (Interestingly, the PC version of this came out recently, as well. I'm considering looking into that, too....)

by marcusss at 8:19 AM EST on December 8, 2018
A few upoads to server via FTP...

* Battle Princess Madelyn (2018-12-06)(Causal Bit Games Inc.)

* Sabbat of the Witch [Sanoba Witch] (2018-10-27)(Yuzusoft)(NakoNyan) - Was encrypted but latest GARbro took care of that. and bnnm added support to the .sli files which contain the loop open the .sli file and the matching BGM will play with loops.

* Kaori After Story (2018-12-04)(PixelFade)

* Scraper The First Strike (2018-11-21)(Labrodex Inc)

edited 7:56 AM EST December 9, 2018
by Knurek at 10:59 AM EST on December 8, 2018
@ChillyBilly: No more PSM decryption from me (Unless someone makes a PC decrypter), sorry, you're on your own. And the encrypted files are 100% not playable.
by marcusss at 4:55 PM EST on December 8, 2018
Did you try that f*psse decryptor program ChillyBilly?

edited 4:56 PM EST December 8, 2018

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