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by JomSpoons at 3:40 PM EDT on August 23, 2020
Sorry to pester, but I submitted my rerip of Mister Mosquito's soundtrack nearly a year ago and it has yet to be added to The current rip is at a completely incorrect playback rate so it's pretty important that it's replaced with this rerip. If anyone could make sure this gets added to the database I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Download link for the rerip if needed again:!X9E3hQLS!bUBZSKXd2yAux3IKTeqVFZc5SivYlryV3CsCU9WJPEM
.bgm + .bgmkey by pooruser at 6:26 PM EDT on August 23, 2020
There are two new uploads to '' by user 'grj1234', Nanami to Konomi no Oshiete ABC (2003-12-26)(Studio Ring)[PC].7z, and Oyatsu no Jikan (2004-12-24)(Studio Ring)[PC].7z.
Both contain files with the extension .bgm and a RIFF-Wavefmt-Header, and in addition a .bgmkey file. Foobar2000 and XMPlay with vgmstream plugins can't play those files correctly, and in the vgmstream documentation I can't seem to find a line about support of .bgmkey, as exists for .adxkey, .ahxkey, .hcakey, .fsbkey, .bnsfkey, nor can I find another player program for .bgm + .bgmkey in the internet, nor an email address to ask the uploader directly. Is there any chance that playing of these files can be added to vgmstream? Thanks in advance to all interested.

By the way, I just contacted Mr. Gashlin because of many wrong data shown when clicking the square with the three dots behind the entry of an upload line on '', and sent him a list of such failures for the massive upload of 20-08-20 which he would pass to the folks on Discord. The new upload from 'grj1234', 'Oyatsu no Jikan (2004-12-24)(Studio Ring)[PC].7z', is the next example for this inconsistency, you'll get an info about 'Buster Ball (GG)(1992-03-20)(-)(Riverhill Soft).7z' instead when clicking on the square with the three dots, but can't download it, 404 Not Found. So you have to download the right file from the main entry (that is possible), but without any info about the files and the file formats in the archive that you get then. Maybe help is on the way from Mr. Gashlin's efforts.
by bnnm at 4:16 PM EDT on August 25, 2020
@JomSpoons - your rips may be overlooked unless you upload them here:

@pooruser - there is no .bgmkey support, it's what the ripper used to indicate audio is encrypted (xored), I'll think about how to support.

Wrong data is a known bug and the person that handles is datschge.
by Vector Harbor at 8:54 PM EDT on August 25, 2020

No Straight Roads - DEMO Mother & Child (2020-06-27) - (Metronomik) - (Sold Out)PC

The game is full of wem. It is segmented but it has txt & bnk files if you need them.
.joe files by pooruser at 10:37 PM EDT on August 26, 2020
@bmmn - Thank you very much for your reply and your clarifications. Is it naïve to ask if you think of vgmstream supporting an xor decrypting procedure as described by almendaz,, with the help of an xor key? Hopefully looking forward in every case.
If datschge already knows about the data(base) bug I’m quite sure there will be a remedy, sooner or later.
Please let me point to another issue, concerning .joe files. Nicknine has updated the vgmstream .joe format support in May 2018, And there have been changes to vgmstream in June 2018, But since then one game no longer played with vgmstream, NYR - New York Race (2001-11-16)(Kalisto)(Wanadoo)[PS2]. Unlike the other games’ .joe files, here you’ll find FF FF FF FF, starting from offst 0C hex. Versions of vgmstream before could play those files, last good I could get hold of is foo_input_vgmstream (r1050-1327-g311eeebc).dll and xmp-vgmstream (r1050-1327-g311eeeb).dll. So I have to replace the current dlls by the old ones if I want to listen to this game’s files (and back after finished).
And there is another single .joe file that doesn’t play in vgmstream at all. It’s from ‘Counter Terrorist Special Forces - Fire for Effect (Europe)’, not uploaded to Nevertheless, I dare to say that BzrPlayer – or should this program not be mentioned here? - using an older vgmstream library version (which one?) can play it, after some silence in the beginning. I don’t know if there is a site for uploads of single files to vgmstream just for bug inspection and would be grateful if I’ll get a hint.
Sorry for pestering again.
Updated DSF rips of Skies of Arcadia [Eternal Arcadia] by Taikocuya at 7:28 PM EDT on September 4, 2020
Hello to everyone,

I updated the two DSF rips of Skies of Arcadia. Unfortunately, there was a clipping problem with some tracks during playback in foobar2000. kode54 was so kind to update the SSF/DSF Decoder to fix some of the volume issues associated with the low pass filter. At the same time I had to adjust the maximum volume in my rip again.

I strongly recommend to install the latest version of the SSF/DSF Decoder in foobar2000 and use the latest version of the rip.

Skies of Arcadia [Eternal Arcadia] (2000-10-05)(Overworks)(Sega) (fully tagged and timed, includes Victory and Discovery Found themes)
Skies of Arcadia Trial Edition [Eternal Arcadia Kuuzokuban] (2000-03-06)(Overworks)(Sega) (fully tagged and timed, includes some never heard beta tracks)

Maybe anyone can upload this to

Best regards,

.hlwav, fake extensions by pooruser at 8:29 PM EDT on September 5, 2020
@bnnm - Thank you very much indeed for fixing '.joe', I forgot to quote that it was the track 'Shut01' of 'Counter Terrorist Special Forces. Fire for Effect' that had issues. No need to upload it any longer for a probe, all seems to be fine now, as is with 'NYR. New York Race'.
Let me please come up with another issue. I thought situation with '.hlwav' regarding 'Half-Life 2 (2005-11-15)(Valve)(Electronic Arts)[Xbox].7z' (on to be similar to former '.joe' for me. Last good were vgmstream build r1050-2410-gead9ec4f-215-g02efa7d7 and fb2k build r1050-2637-gd871302c from 2019-11. But now I found with the help of Google that '.hlwav' has been removed as fake extension by NicknineTheEagle 2019-11-18. Alas, I couldn't find the suitable replacement for it, as Google doesn't show it, instead leads me to LoSnoCo's site where I would have to sign in not knowing if it’s in there. No RIFF / RIFX WAVEfmt header, so no '.wem', no '.lwav', also '.vgmstream' and '.pcm' don't work, same with '.txth' with codec = PCM16LE, interleave = 0x2, sample_rate = 22050, channels = 2. And I don't know of any other extension whose files come with the same or a similar header. So I either have to change the vgmstream dll builds as it has been with '.joe', or again use BZRPlayer with an old library build, or sox with a command line like cmd /k play.exe -b16 -esigned-integer -c2 -r22050 hl1_song11.raw, e.g., or GoldWave with corresponding settings.
I managed to notice the change of extensions from ’.khv’ to ‘.vas’, there may be others that I don’t know of, but I see more fake extension candidates to be removed in the vgmstream docs.
Does it really make sense to remove the support for them? There are some new fake extensions beginning with an ‘l’ so that vgmstream can catch them, ok. Regarding picture format extensions, look at 'mac = macp = mpnt = paint = pnt = pntg', you can be glad if your picture program supports them all and you don’t have to find out which one is the right one and then rename it. And if you saved those fake extension files to CDs or DVDs, you’re duped when using the latest vgmstream build. Would be nice if my objections were simply considered and the fakes were just documented but not removed as keeping them really doesn’t hurt, IMHO.
Sorry for not complying to ‘short is beautiful’.
.hlwav, fake extensions by pooruser at 9:28 PM EDT on September 5, 2020
Forgot to enumerate Audacity, being able to import and play hlwav files as raw audio.
.hlwav, fake extensions by pooruser at 5:07 PM EDT on September 6, 2020
EDIT (2):
Sorry, just discovered the replacement extension of '.hlwav' for vgmstream is simply '.raw'. Should have found that before looking at Audacity and SoxPlay replacements. And the sample rate in vgmstream is 44100 Hz. My plea for keeping those fake extensions supported still remains.
Pokemon Picross GBC rip naming by Zumi at 1:46 PM EDT on September 12, 2020
Hey, I have recently ripped and uploaded a GBS of the newly-surfaced Pokemon Picross for the GB/GBC as "Pokemon Picross (Prototype) (1999)(Jupiter)[GBC].7z".

However I was told that this was actually a finished product (that was never published), so the "(Unreleased)" tag would work better with it, instead of "(Prototype)". Would you mind renaming it when it's added?

Thanks in advance.

edited 1:47 PM EDT September 12, 2020

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