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by Koto at 9:17 AM EDT on May 6, 2014
[quote="bxaimc"]"Hmm, mind if I use the FTP?

Wanna upload:

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Deception IV: Blood Ties
and few others I have lying around[/quote]

Something new about this? :$
by banshiryuu at 1:10 AM EDT on May 7, 2014
Hmm, that's odd. I'm not getting any clicks with Samsara Naga in foobar e:(

But yeah, I definitely agree with you on your points. It's mostly interesting for me at least to find out just how faithful the arrangers can be with their conversions. For Toro Ruins specifically it was cool to hear the drums clearer than any other part in the song. But yeah, there's no way that it's replacing the original's place in my heart any time soon. ^^
by godzfire at 3:08 AM EDT on June 4, 2014
I'm working on collecting the music sets for all WWF/WWE wrestling games. I noticed that WWE Day of Reckoning (1) for GameCube is actually Day of Reckoning 2, which meant DoR 1 is missing, so I just uploaded proper versions of DoR 1 AND DoR 2.

DoR 1

DoR 2

I'm hoping someone could let me know when this is done so I can then remove them from my hosting area.

edited 3:08 AM EDT June 4, 2014
by Knurek at 3:46 PM EDT on June 5, 2014
Got them, than you for contributing.
SSX 3 (PS2) by Firebrandx at 4:58 AM EDT on June 6, 2014
Did whoever rip the SSX 3 tracks retain the original bit-rate? The reason I ask is I found an alternate package on another JoshW directory that had the songs rated at 22050, while the current official package has them at 32000Hz. I want to find out what they were actually store at and would prefer the original bit rate. The two /BIG files total about 800MB, while the package on JoshW is less than 700Mb. This leads me to suspect they were 44100 files originally.

Edit: I just figured out the 22050 set is taken from the Gamecube version of the game. That would explain the bit rate difference. Now all I need is a confirmation that the 32000Hz rate is what the original PS2 files were stored at. Thanks to whoever can confirm this!

By the way, track #25 is corrupt in the PS2 package. It plays static in Foobar 2000 when you try to play that track.

edited 5:51 AM EDT June 6, 2014
SSX 3 (PS2) by Firebrandx at 4:22 PM EDT on June 6, 2014
Well I tried extracting the music myself, but it seems people have been asking how to do this for years on the Internet, and there's never been a straight knowledgeable answer. I got as far as using Dragon Unpacker to extract the .mus files from the .big container files on the disc, which is as far as I've seen anyone else able to do. Attempting to use MFplayer to play the mus files gives garbage results, although you can sort of hear some music beneath the static. I'd like to know what the big secret it so I can do this properly...

Edit: Some progress: I was able to find an "sx.exe" command prompt program that converts the MUS files into the wave data. The problem is it only does the first 2 seconds. I need some pointers on how to get it to convert the entire MUS file.

edited 12:59 AM EDT June 7, 2014
by Hotcakes at 9:29 PM EDT on June 7, 2014
The game uses streamed audio played back in a sequenced format; I'd wager your program is simply decoding the first detected audio clip and ignoring the rest. Maybe each clip has its own header? You may be able to truncate the first clip from the file and have it decode the second, and so on.
by Firebrandx at 1:54 AM EDT on June 8, 2014
That would be great... IF I knew how to do that. In other news: Just from the 2-second clips, I was able to confirm the tracks were stored at 32000Hz. Kind of disappointing.

Anyway, I'm hoping whoever did the track package on the joshw directory will see these posts and fix track 25. That is the only track messed up in the package.
by Ultrafighter at 1:53 PM EDT on June 9, 2014
You can extract individual segments in SNG format either with help of FastElbja`s ADPCM player 1.44h (simply scan the files you want to split into such smaller parts with fixed play length out of the actual tracks, those EAMs) or ALuigi`s QuickBMs accompanied by Alpha23`s generic splitter script (it comes with preset values for such tasks however firstyou`ll have to uncomment the required strings to make them readable by the prog thus usable). Of course you should save all those found segments somewhere on your HDD before you let that console decoder loose on them. But if you have vgmstream installed for EAM playback you should be able to listen to such SNGs with no further conversion required, simply add barrage of those 2, 3 and so on second long "clips" a playlist and you`re good to go.

And the most common reason for EAMs or SNGs to sound as ear abusing noise is because they`re not of EA`s 4-bit variation of PS2 ADPCM origin but are pretty likely of a later introduced VBR MP3 nature. Try converting each segment which you think is being played back incorrectly with Zench`s EALayer3, another command line decoder which should make the most typical MP3s out of files fed to it and resulting tracks / clips have to play just in any player and it doesn`t matter whether VGMS in installed or not.

Hope this helps although I`d be quite lost if the solution suggested in the paragraph above didn`t work out at all.
by Firebrandx at 8:45 PM EDT on June 9, 2014
@ Ultrafighter,

If you reread my posts more carefully, you'll see I'm referring to the original .MUS files stored on the disc. The EAM package hosted on joshw is NOT how the files on the disc are stored.

Now if the programs you suggested work on .MUS files, then of course it doesn't matter and I'll look into it.

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