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Sweets by Reis at 8:47 AM EDT on September 5, 2014
Thanks Nisto again, >__< I soo was very excited about uploading it here now u already done it darn uuuu's!!also does anyone have digimon World 3 already out I tired but there was this HUGE Dummy. file from DMW3 (ISO 9660).
by Nisto at 11:35 AM EDT on September 5, 2014
Heheh, sorry Reis. Don't think I have anything else to "beat you" with. Do your thing. :P
by Reis at 5:39 PM EDT on September 5, 2014
Hmmmmmmm thats fine :P fun while it lasted, but there always next time.
by Kirishima at 3:04 PM EDT on September 10, 2014
Update on mario party issue: REally strange. I didn't even do anything, but the set works now... No need to change anything anymore.

Edit: The current rip seems to have an error, "64 Board Outro" is a duplicate of "04 Peaceful Mushroom Village". Used a hex editor to change on of the files into what I think it was supposed to be(forgot to edit tags):

EDIT EDIT: Alright. Something is really broken with this rip or the plugin. It goes from not working, to working, then not working again.
edited 9:58 PM EDT September 10, 2014

edited 10:44 PM EDT September 10, 2014
by dormouse at 7:49 PM EDT on September 15, 2014
The hoot rip of Megami Tensei PC-88 has strange titles and may have errors. Strangely, the X1 rip is correct.

Bright Morning -> Major II
Izanami… -> Magnetic Magician
Romantic Hell -> A statuette of Loser
Yumiko -> Running star*
ゴーギャンの靴 -> ケルンの朝
Major II -> Si-Si-Si**
ケルンの朝 -> Over the moon***
Si-Si-Si -> イザナミ
Over the moon -> 女郎花
Magnetic Magician -> YUMIKO
A Statuette of loser -> ゴーギャンの靴
女郎花 -> Romantic hell*
Running Star -> Bright morning

*this is an assumption, as "Running Star" is a dupe of ROMANTIC HELL (in this version one plays faster than the other)...
**this track may be broken. it's supposed to loop (it's the boss theme); in the X1 rip it loops fine, but in the PC-88 rip it doesn't. it could be broken in the game itself, i don't know. btw this song is basically prototype for golden axe's battlefield, just like how starfox 64 boss is prototype for final fantasy x aeon boss
***this track may be broken. it's NOT supposed to loop (it's the game over jingle), but does for some reason

edited 1:05 AM EDT September 16, 2014
by dogman91x at 4:59 AM EDT on September 18, 2014
@Kirishima: My Mario Party set works fine, every time. Also your file sounds the same as the other Peaceful Mushroom village, and also crashes foobar every time I play it. Maybe your set is corrupted somehow.
by Kirishima at 1:11 PM EDT on September 18, 2014
@dogman91x Strange. It was supposed to be this:

Is your set the same as the one on the joshw site?

To cut a long ramble short, the 2 songs pointed to the same usflib and had the same hex value. I just used a song that pointed to a different usflib and kept the hex value.

About the crashing, ALL the songs crash for me regardless of my meddling. They will only work after some complicated running around with other file formats before starting this games things.

edited 6:17 PM EDT September 18, 2014

edited 6:26 PM EDT September 18, 2014
by dogman91x at 9:54 AM EDT on September 19, 2014
I have the one from here:
I noticed your file has a dash in between the track number and the title in the filename, which seems to match the one from HERE:
Try downloading the one from the site and see if that helps. They seem to be different because the file sizes are slightly smaller with the joshw set.

I'm using Foobar with the latest LazyUSF plugin, all settings on Recompiler, and Fast Seek off. Never crashes with the joshw set. Your file seems to crash foobar every time though.

Also, if you can try hex editing the 'new' "64 Board Outro.miniusf" to play right that would be great! That still isn't fixed with this one.
by Kirishima at 12:33 PM EDT on September 19, 2014
I'm using winamp (latest last build before limbo) and the current usf plugin. One of those must be my problem... Anyway, I'm not experienced with usf ripping, I just tried out fumbling around with files in a hex editor since when I got the set to work and found a couple tracks were missing and 2 songs in the set played the same theme. I guess I should try out foobar.

Edit: I just tried out my fixed file in foobar and it works.

EDIDITDKDITNAKLIT: I just took a look at what I put up, and it was the WRONG file. OOPS. I shall correct this.... thing, word I can't seem to remember. Try this:

I should've known better.

edited 5:45 PM EDT September 19, 2014

edited 5:50 PM EDT September 19, 2014
by dogman91x at 1:00 PM EDT on September 19, 2014
Aha, that file works, thanks. Replaygain indicates that it's a corrupted file though... you might want to redownload your set anyhow.

In Foobar you can also right click on a USF and edit the length and fade out time.

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