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- by Reis at 4:21 AM EDT on April 6, 2015
- AT LAST!! Thank you very much Nisto for doing clock Tower 3 and helping with evergrace :'( I dont know how I could thank you enough. Sounds perfect and still hard to believe how this was done.
- by Nisto at 9:16 AM EDT on April 6, 2015
- Hey, no problem Reis. It wasn't that complicated for Clock Tower 3 actually, it has quite a simple file system in general. If you're feeling enthusiastic, I uploaded a VFS preset (place it in /vgmtoolbox/plugins/VFSExtractor) for the CT3PACK.DAT file so you can extract all the files from it. The .HD data is embedded in the .SQ files, so use VGMToolbox's PSF2 Data Finder on the .SQ files to get separate .HD/.SQ files from them. Then just add the already present .BD files to the respective resulting folders. You should then be able to create PSF2s via VGMToolbox's mkpsf2 Front End (but make sure you have copies of SQ.IRX and PSF2.IRX (from PSF2Kit) in vgmtoolbox's /external/psf2/modules folder, because it doesn't ship with them...) Neill Corlett's site is still "down", but I'm certain there are active mirrors of PSF2Kit around (also, Wayback Machine *wink*). Maybe you can learn something new!
- by Reis at 9:46 AM EDT on April 6, 2015
- I indeed did learn something new. I was on the right path I alreasy had the HD/.SQ files but the last process for the mkpsf2 killed it. I will try :)
wayback machine and continue the long lost songs of great titles..oh yeah *Hugs* From me and family and to all that does a awesome job here and another thing is I found it on wayback machine.
edited 3:12 PM EDT April 6, 2015
- by punk7890-2 at 10:35 AM EDT on April 6, 2015
- PS2:SoulCalibur II Demo (-)(Project Soul)(Namco)
Mostly the same music as final but a couple are different. SC3's Demo is completely different. Let me know if anyone wants what I posted a page back as my upload speed is horrible and slows down my whole internet. Also let me know when this gets added to Joshw so I can delete it.
Now if only I could make some psf2s out of a few demos and compare them to the final games...
edited 5:12 PM EDT April 6, 2015
- by TheMygoshi at 12:58 AM EDT on April 7, 2015
- For the simpsons game on the xb360 I have sequenced xma (on this website) What I should join?
- by Zeether at 8:55 AM EDT on April 8, 2015
- Soukou Kihei VOTOMS (Yuke's)(Namco)(2007)
.ADXs from the game, one sounds like it's from a cutscene. Pretty much all music from the anime, including the very chilling OP.
- .Samp .arc files by Reis at 6:26 AM EDT on April 15, 2015
- Ok I'll willing to say these files are playable or have some sound on them. There from havest Moon A wonderful life... like always its on the site but there are always more >__< cant find the seasons songs. Most graceful (again)if someone would be able to help, ive been on a roll with the help nisto gave me, its my 5th game i've done (now stuck).
edited 11:36 AM EDT April 15, 2015
- by Nisto at 7:47 AM EDT on April 15, 2015
- Those .samp/.arc files looks to contain MusyX data. I can try writing an extractor for the data. But there are very little tools for MusyX playback/conversion (soneek has written an experimental musyx-to-midi converter, and I've written an extractor for sample data (aka sounds used in compositions) a while back). We haven't figured out how sample mapping is done for example, which means best you can do is try mapping out the samples by yourself with a DAW or something, so you probably won't get satisfactory results.
edited 2:17 PM EDT April 15, 2015
- by Reis at 9:12 AM EDT on April 15, 2015
- Thats exactly what I was doing, I got it to play somewhat in audacity with raw data but trying to figure out the sample rate was somewhat a challenge..a little hiss around 22000 hz no good at 44100 hz
- by dj4uk6cjm at 9:20 AM EDT on April 15, 2015
- Unrelated but Wario World uses a .samp file extension. I have tried your tool script to extract the samples but it didn't work, doesn't support it. However hopefully you can add support to the file in your own time of course, doubt you'll help me with this but if you do thanks in advance.
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