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- by dj4uk6cjm at 2:33 PM EDT on April 22, 2015
- Yesss! Yes!!! Thank you Nisto! :D it works wonderfully, you are a godsend haha turns out the sound files only contained the sound effects for the levels in PMW2 not the actual instrument samples so I guess it's totally streamed afterall.
Now I have one more request, is there anything you can do about the sound files of resident evil 4 for the gamecube? I was able to upload them again along with the midi header a while back and I still believe strongly that it contains the sequences for the game and the .sbb maybe has the samples but I'll always be unsure :P thanks if you can do this with your program.
Theres not that many files this time so they should be easy to download, BGM 1 folder contains the sound files from the disc 1 ISO of RE4 and the second one is from disc 2 just so you know.
- by marcusss at 4:04 PM EDT on April 22, 2015
- Deleted
edited 12:04 PM EDT April 23, 2015
- by Reis at 6:16 PM EDT on April 22, 2015
- Your lucky dj4uk6cjm -.___-. mine came out as single instruments ^___^ but am glad we have a teacher on board and happy customers (I hope) now there is left is for me to upload these games that was done and go to sleep.
- by dj4uk6cjm at 6:52 PM EDT on April 22, 2015
- To be honest Reis your the lucky one, I'd rather have the instrument samples to any of these games than make do with just the sound effects any day :P a person can get real tired of hearing the same old door, stomp slamming and other miscellaneous things in them lol but hey the nintendo audio engineers made them not us. Same, I upload whatever I can get. XD
- by Nisto at 3:33 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- @dj4uk6cjm:
I don't know what's been found about the RE4 audio files already, and I know there was a post or two in some thread here, but here is what I did find:
bio4str.hed contains some form of DSP headers for stereo ADPCM audio. Also, there are two "sections" of headers. The top one is probably for "bio4bgm.sbb" and the lower for "bio4evt.sbb". I ran a script to check what the raw sample counts from the headers adds up to in bytes, and it's just short of about 9MB, but I think that's because all streams seems to fall on sector boundaries (so offsets for the streams are probably specified in sectors), which means a lot of the streams have some padding at the end.
bio4midi.dat does actually seem to contain samples in addition to the MIDI data itself. But I haven't yet figured out where the offsets for the samples are specified, or where the header data (coefficients, sample count, etc.) is stored. But I think it's all in there as far as the MIDI stuff goes. bio4midi.hed only contain offsets to each MIDI "bank".
doorse.dat/hed is of course door sound effects.
What I can't figure out is where the offsets for the streams in bio4evt.dat and bio4bgm.dat are stored... If I could find that, I may be able to extract those at least. The bgmtbl.dat file actually looks kind of useless in terms of info we need. At least I can't seem to find anything there that looks like offsets, or sizes or anything...
EDIT: I'm pretty sure I have found the coefficients, but still not quite sure where the offsets are..
edited 12:50 PM EDT April 23, 2015
- by Reis at 5:59 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- Good Morning (10:00 am) here's fatal frame four..
everything is bunched in and they did not seperate the doors, the voices, the videos (yes) and there are in BRSTM Audio File (*.BRSTM), Wii Files (.brstm)It would have taken almost 3 hours alone to separate all of these soo..... how do I add these to the site. Harvest moon should be easier to play
Fatal Frame 4: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (Tecmo \ Grasshopper Manufacture)(NTSC)(Wii)
Harvest Moon Tree Of Tranquility (Wii)
edited 11:44 AM EDT April 23, 2015
- Trine 3 music (.wem) by marcusss at 6:03 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- Trine 3 .wem files work as RAW 44100Hz stereo 16bit signed little endian when imported with Audacity.
I imported .wem files into Audacity and exported as FLAC..
Unfinished game??? Only 6 tracks of music????]
edited 12:09 PM EDT April 23, 2015
- by Reis at 6:22 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- Sweet marcusss, Audacity saved the day for me 12 times already.
- by marcusss at 6:35 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- Yeah.. I love Audacity and Trine music so just HAD to get it working :P
It is an early release
Trine 3 v0.01 - April 21th, 2015
Early Access release
Trine 3 early release music
edited 12:28 PM EDT April 23, 2015
- by Reis at 7:20 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
- LOL! :'| cant wait for the full version.
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