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by TheUltimateKoopa at 1:25 PM EST on January 7, 2013
Yes, but that doesn't mean bxaimc has to CONSTANTLY troll me.

Copying posts from an IRC channel/server which has NOTHING to do with him whatsoever.

If I did it to you, sure you might not overreact, but you would at least not like it.
by TheUltimateKoopa at 1:48 PM EST on January 7, 2013
Oh and bxaimc, I might have missed it, but you forgot these:

There's more but I can't be bothered to find them.
by Lunar at 2:07 PM EST on January 7, 2013
TheUltimateKoopa: if you did it to me, I would either ignore it or laugh at it.
by hcs at 2:09 PM EST on January 7, 2013
@Genie: it's true, and maybe I overreacted. I feel like I need to be protective of the operational integrity of my site, though. That is part of what I meant, I'm a slave to emotion like anyone else.

By enforcing bans I mean actually keeping someone from posting (under a new name, from a new IP, etc), which as you are surely aware is not possible without becoming very heavy handed with registration. I assumed you'd be able to evade those bans, and as you were using automated means to disrupt the site I used the most straightforward automated means at my disposal to send the message that I do not approve. The forum source is available, feel free to build your own playground.

@TUK: Yes, we all have things that irritate us. Signal your irritation (as the other person may not intend offense), but if it continues it is better to respond only in constructive ways. Your rants here are irritating the rest of us and they don't discorage your tormentors.
by TheUltimateKoopa at 2:32 PM EST on January 7, 2013
But would you laugh at it, if I kept doing it for months non stop?

I'm going to say that yes, people are fed up with my ranting and raging.

But I'm pretty sure they are also fed up with bxaimc constantly posting what I say on other places. This used to be Halley's Comet Software.

Ooh no, I'm not doing that again.

edited 2:32 PM EST January 7, 2013
by Genie at 7:29 PM EST on January 7, 2013
@hcs: OK, but that's not quite right. After the 500+ issue my account was working. I haven't automated anything else. The 2 threads were created legitly on a browser, and after that my account stopped working, so my banning doesn't respond to a try to stop an automatic disruption, but as a punishment for the empty thread and the dashes thread, or at least it seems to be so.

edited 7:37 PM EST January 7, 2013
by bxaimc at 10:38 PM EST on January 7, 2013
Huh? All of those posts aren't just me, TUK. Its a public account (DAZ). Dumbass... tnodah will show you the way...

edited 11:54 PM EST January 7, 2013
by hcs at 12:46 AM EST on January 8, 2013
Genie: you're right, I was only making an excuse.

bx: if nothing else you are also using the account, so I will consider you culpable.
Ahem... by bxaimc at 11:48 PM EST on January 8, 2013
To have everyone up to speed, what's really going on is TUK is being a little bitch about having all powers revoked from BCM and being z-lined on our IRC chat for abusing his powers with our youtube channels and screwing around with people's accounts. He deleted some of the channels and has threatened to delete the entire site as well as insults us constantly because of his so called assburgers. We've given him enough chances to redeem himself but has resulted in the same crap over and over so soneek dropped the ban hammer on him for an indefinite amount of time. The trolling thing, yea that's our fault, but he brought it upon himself by making a constant morron out of himself everytime he joins IRC and bitching on forums. The tnodah thing on ffshrine is news to me but dumbass over here keeps thinking it's me. Oh well, I brush it off anyway because it's funny. Assburgers and fries or not, the raging has to stop or the trolling won't either. Apparently TUK claims someone on Miiverse brought up tnodah to him even though neither me nor DAZ have miiverse accounts. Trolling spreads and so far he's only made himself the ass of every forum he's been banned from and will continue to get banned from everytime even after the ban period is over and comes back to do the same bitching over and over again. "ALL they can do is "Tnodah", fucking "tnodah", that's ALL THEY FUCKING THINK ABOUT! I even get trolled on Miiverse. I said "How do you get past that giant Porcupuffer in Tropical Refresher, and either bxaimc or someone, says "Tnodah will show you the way" or something." Sorry, messed up as it sounds but that's hilarious just as much as his ranting on every forum he can possibly think of posting on about being trolled and this and that.

From the first time he got z-lined:

*** Error: Closing Link: TheUltimateKoopa[] (Z:lined (Stop spamming,and get out and do something other than sit on the internet. Go to the cinema or whatever. Come back in a week.))
<TheUltimateKoopa> I got Z:lined
<TheUltimateKoopa> I'm not blaming you or anything, but I hope you're fucking happy. If not, then complain to soneek.
<TheUltimateKoopa> Tell soneek to go to fucking hell and burn there.

Good times....good times...

Harr. But anyway, it's getting old so let's just move on...

Gentlemen, We tnodah now.

edited 12:06 AM EST January 9, 2013
by TheUltimateKoopa at 12:46 AM EST on January 9, 2013
It's not indefinite. It's only until Friday.

And I am NOT "being a little bitch" over getting banned... why would I, if the ban will be over in just 2 days? Show me evidence of "being a little bitch" over my CURRENT Z-line, and NOT the one from a week ago you!

Also, exactly how have I deleted "SOME" of the YouTube accounts? I hardly call closing ONE YouTube account "deleting SOME of them".

And since WHEN did I threaten to kill "the site"? I don't know if you haven't been told or if you're just a moron, but I haven't had any administrative powers on the site for at least a week. And even if I DID, there'd be no way of actually killing the site, since I have no way, admin or no admin. Why? Because I don't have access to the actual file server, so I can't delete anything, and there are no other ways of 'killing' the site that I'm even able to do! So why would I bother threatening to do something I CAN'T do?

And "the raging has to stop"

Well it HAD stopped. But you just continue to be a troll.

Now, HCS, this is NOT a request...

And yes, Lunar, there you go, I CAN post without raging... but even if I stop "raging", Istill get trolled because bxaimc is, well a troll is the politest way to put it, without swearing. That is all.

So that's how it is.

If I rage, I get trolled, and makes me rage.

If I don't rage, I just get trolled more.

The fact that he obviously made the . account, and posted this topic in the first place is alone trolling.

The ONLY, and I repeat ONLY raging that I've done in the last 2 or 3 days, is on the Lossless Video Game Soundtracks Thread on FFShrine.

I'm not directly saying this is bxaimc:

But he's the ONLY one who uses 'tnodah' a lot, that continues to troll me.

DarkAceZ wants me un Z-lined, and TNG, actually asked me why DAZ isn't banned already because of the spamming nonsense that he posts with hardly any thing relevant to... anything.

So TNG and I are getting on, and DAZ is just a bit silly. The only other person who uses the word 'tnodah' is bxaimc.

And it was TNG who made that Miiverse thing.

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