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by AI-M at 4:24 PM EDT on June 23, 2005
When will there be DS-SF, Nintendo DS rips?
by unknownfile at 5:25 PM EDT on June 23, 2005
Filename .2sf (proposed)

The DS as of now does not use any known sound hardware, or at least that's what Damien Good told me some while back.
Hey by RattleMan at 12:50 AM EDT on June 26, 2005
One thing I'd like is for someone to make a new Genesis/MegaDrive sound format (MDSF or MSF maybe?). GYM is too buggy, old, and hard to work with.
by PdZ at 1:01 AM EDT on June 26, 2005
And the Songs are to big.
by unknownfile at 5:25 AM EDT on June 26, 2005
ooooooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo Yes that would be swell!
GBS to GSF by Mouser X at 12:36 PM EDT on June 26, 2005
This is quoted from "PSF Rippers" for UNKOWNFILE's use. Perhaps he can answer these questions.

Quoted from "agu_fungus":
"OK, so some people are making GSFs out of GBSs. The only thing I know is that I must convet it into a GBA rom through the Goomba emulator, then convert it to GSF through rom2gsf, but how do I make the minigsf files out of it? I'm trying to make the GSF set of GB Pok?mon, but that's the only thing I know (thanks to the instructions given in the Super Mario Land GSF set). Can anyone help me?

By the way, has anyone tried to make GSFs directly from emulated GB games, manually?"

Hopefully, some good info can be provided. Mouser X over and out.
I hate answering questions over and over by unknownfile at 5:29 PM EDT on June 26, 2005
Already respondecd to this one. (Hint: I use a second account, but don't post.)

You can read my tutorial (it's sorta incomplete, cause I forgot to save the final one). By the way, Pokemon's wavetable is completely broken, resulting in horrible sounds during playback. Don't blame me, I just work here. ;p

And no, I don't think anyone has done that yet.
by Mouser X at 5:15 AM EDT on June 27, 2005
In a related note, I'm curious as to how to make a GBS file GB ready... I know it can be done, but I don't remember how to do it (not that I understood what it said when I read it all those years ago...). 20 (or so) new GBS files appeared on today. 3 of which were Tetris DX, Megaman Xtreme, and MM Xtreme 2. However, none of the 20 GBS files are GB ready... So they won't work. If I could make them GB ready, I could attempt to convert them to GSF...

Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mouser X over and out.
by unknownfile at 11:10 AM EDT on June 27, 2005
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

In gbsplay.asm:


.org $100 ; entry point


jp start ; jump to the start

with the following

.org $100 ; entry point

    .db    $00,$C3,$50,$01

.db $CE,$ED,$66,$66,$CC,$0D,$00
.db $0B,$03,$73,$00,$83,$00,$0C
.db $00,$0D,$00,$08,$11,$1F,$88
.db $89,$00,$0E,$DC,$CC,$6E,$E6
.db $DD,$DD,$D9,$99,$BB,$BB,$67
.db $63,$6E,$0E,$EC,$CC,$DD,$DC
.db $99,$9F,$BB,$B9,$33,$3E

jp start ; jump to the start

This is NEEDED in order to get the thing booted in Goomba.

Does that answer your question?
by unknownfile at 11:17 AM EDT on June 27, 2005
Oh yeah, and speaking of gbs2gsf - Matrixz's Wario Land 3 rip was converted today. :) Oh yes, and fish

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