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by alimu at 12:49 AM EDT on May 4, 2015
@soneek I'm currently figuring out the regions of the percussion samples by listening to the music and checking the midi. I have a question about the ripped soundfont. The timpani soundfont doesn't include the tremolo sample. The same problem is also present in the fingerstyle bass soundfont with another sample. So my question is, are these extra samples actually used in modulation? I am asking because the midi doesn't have any automation.
by soneek at 5:21 AM EDT on May 5, 2015
@alimu I might've manually separated the tremelo sample from the timpani bank, and I don't remember what I might've done with the finger bass. I think I was attempting to use the soundfont with other R/S/E themes.

The tremolo soundfont seems to be the upper region of the timpani bank, and it's noticable in the title theme (I think), but definitely Mt. Battle. It's weird how they handled things this time.
by alimu at 9:44 AM EDT on May 5, 2015
@soneek Thanks for the answer!
Yes, it's really different from other soundfonts I've encountered.
Unfortunately, exactly the same notes with and without tremolo are in the same soundfont (for example C2 in the title theme contains both tremolo and normal timpani notes), without instrument changes, so I thought it was modulation and not a higher region. Since both of the samples (timpani hit and tremolo) along with two cymbals are present in the GM program number 47, I'm a bit confused.

For the finger bass, a sliding sample (sample 64) wasn't present in the ripped soundfont.

I also didn't find some instruments. Do you have the fonts of the synths? If not, could you try to extract them? I figured out the muted guitar font by ear but since synths are virtually everywhere, I cannot distinguish them by ear.

Aside from the percussion, these three are the only issues I encountered. The rest is almost done. Thank you!
by alimu at 2:38 AM EDT on May 7, 2015
I think I solved the timpani issue. I used both the tremolo and the hit samples, overlaying them. With staccato notes, the hit sound is present, whereas in longer legato notes, the tremolo appears. I think it sounds pretty good!
by soneek at 11:34 AM EDT on May 21, 2015
I ended up researching the sound bank format again. I've almost got it finished. I'll post some stuff after I get back tonight, but the source for my tool is on Github.

Soon, I'll have my Sakuraba soundfont complete...
by MetalKnick at 6:31 PM EDT on May 21, 2015
And once you release that I'll be working on making a Golden Sun Remastered OST. I love Sakuraba too much maybe.
by soneek at 7:16 PM EDT on May 21, 2015
Nice! I can focus on the Mario Golf and Tennis handheld remastering then.
by alimu at 4:50 AM EDT on May 26, 2015
I'm done with the soundfonts, as well as their program numbers, except for 2 instruments.

One was present in the soundfont soneek ripped for testing, numbered 59 (I believe it's supposed to be 58), which sounds like a harp or an acoustic guitar.

The other is the same as the string ensemble, except it has a crescendo, numbered 79, which was used in Phenac City's theme. I do not know how to make it sound exactly the same, the attack values I used never create the same sounds.

Any ideas?

by alimu at 10:09 AM EDT on May 30, 2015
Hi there!

Here's the Colosseum soundfont v1.0. I will update it frequently with your feedback, and repost the whole soundfont again here.

There are a few issues, mainly the crescendo strings, because I think the hold and decay values are supposed to change with the tempo, and I do not know how to do that. Help would be appreciated.

If there are any issues please inform me so that I may check what's wrong. I used PolyPhontics, and have all the project files saved, so little changes will be easy. The instruments have their program numbers in front of their names for your convenience. Some program numbers are assigned to two instruments, which I believe depend on the channel number. I listened to the instruments and gave them names based on the sound produced.

I'll create a .dls file containing all the instruments and their respective program numbers for easier MIDI playback after the problems are fixed.

I would like to thank Nisto for the .wav samples and soneek for the ripped soundfont. I couldn't have done this without you.

Hope this helps!

Colosseum Soundfont v1.0

edited 3:22 PM EDT May 30, 2015
by soneek at 2:34 PM EDT on June 6, 2015
@alimu How do I merge all of these into one soundfont? I was wondering about the large file size, but then I noticed you put in long samples, rather than shorter samples with loop points. I've made more progress than before with MusyX stuff (aside from ADSR), and I have a build of vgmstream that can embed loop points in an output wav if you want. I posted it somewhere on this site already.

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