Can't extract samples from Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life by Xane123 at 7:42 PM EDT on July 12, 2016
Hi. I searched the forums and found PHP and Python scripts and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life's MusyX ARC/SAMP files.
I downloaded the PHP/Python files and installed PHP for Windows/Python 2.7. Ran the Python script that extracts the MusyX files from the .arc file to make it compatible with the PHP script. It successfully made a .pool, .proj, .sdir, and .song file appear and this was what command prompt wrote:
"C:\Users\Myers\HMAWL>c:\python27\python c:\users\myers\hmawl\ c:\users\myers\HMAWL\RECORD2.arc No more files to process."
I then ran the PHP script "SamExtract.php" with this command:"C:\Users\Myers\HMAWL>PHP\php.exe php\SamExtract.php php\the_enchapment\". (All of the files are within the HMAWL folder and the newly crated files are within the_enchapment" folder)
I checked the "the_enchapment" folder and there was now a "samples" folder but nothing was inside it. The PHP script didn't write any errors or anything. What am I doing wrong?
C:\Users\Myers\HMAWL>" (notice the lack of errors)
Also, what additional programs/scripts would I require to rip the music as a MIDI/soundfont like what happened with other MusyX-based games like Pokemon Colosseum?
First off, Sam(p)Extract.php is way outdated -- use musyx-extract instead. I have more or less stopped writing PHP scripts for non-web-related applications.
Secondly, I develop Python under version 3. There's a possibility there's a backwards-incompatibility somewhere, so make sure you use Python 3 if you use any of my scripts (you can install Python 3 on top of Python 2).
Lastly, it's possible that the .sam(p) files don't actually contain any data. Can you upload the original files, so I can have a closer look?
Ah; MusyX-Extract and Python 3 worked and after running them through dspadpcm, they become normal WAV files!
Still, is there a way to get these converted to MIDI/soundfont? I assume the data for the notes might be in the .song file.
Still, I found the A Wonderful Life music in a link someone gave in an old thread here, their MEGA folder.
hmarcex by sgibbz at 4:53 PM EDT on October 21, 2017
Nisto, did your hmarcex script do anything specific when naming output files when extracting from a HMAWL ARC? Or did it behave the same as the VGMToolbox Nintendo U8 Extractor (i.e. @, @_00A, @_00B, etc)?
If it was actually able to name files, do you still have a copy of this script? The old link I found seems to be broken.