Yes. You can get the file via that hash with a local IPFS client, or you can try using a gateway like,, etc, just stick the hash on the end of the URL. You'll need a downloader that supports resuming, because a gateway is almost certainly going to timeout several times before finishing a file that large. (This is a generic "you", I know you don't need this, Uikri)
The idea is that anyone can host it, then, and a client with the hash will find available sources. If you're running a client daemon it automatically caches and makes available stuff you've downloaded. It's like a trackerless torrent via a magnet link in some ways.
Or there's this http link, but I make no promises about availability. (Really no promises about IPFS availability, either, but at least someone else could mirror it.)
I wasn't able to find a copy, but fortunately the converter source code is still up at the GitHub link, so it should be possible to convert them again.
Reupload of the Renoise .xrns files for every song.
@hcs Would you be willing and able to help me understand how to use the converter code on github?
Also, I've got the songs playing in Renoise, and there is an addon that lets you export all the instruments/samples as wav and just... holy shit, BlackFurniture gave us so much more than I realized at the time. I wish I could express my gratitude to them.