Resident Evil Remake BGM by TheFuryFox at 8:41 AM EDT on October 2, 2016
I have tried to rip Resident Evil Remake GC's BGM with .snd extension to .genh I've tested all settings and it seems that it is a variant of Nintendo DSP ADPCM but for other settings VGMtoolBox it's useless. Is it possible to rip RER's bgms with generic header? I am a newby to this and I prefer rip music myself than downloading already ripped bgm.
I just have one question though: While playing the file through amuse-play, do I have to press the buttons manually(as in, the buttons that are assigned to the notes) or does it play the .song file automatically?
Sorry to exhume this but I bought a 64 bit cpu. I tried to run amuserender either by command line or drag and drop but none work. The program ask me to enter the number of setup when I enter the number written in console the program crash. amuseplay doesn't work either. What are the right arguments ?