Bowser's Laugh In N64SoundTool by G-Boy at 11:41 AM EST on February 12, 2017
When I ripped the "Koopa's Message" music from Super Mario 64 with the N64SoundbankTool, I noticed that the Bowser laugh sample was missing from the soundfont. I tried to rip that sound with the N64SoundTool instead, but I couldn't find the sample in the sound list of that program either.

Could anyone please tell me how you rip the sample?
by birdmanager6 at 12:54 PM EST on February 12, 2017
It's actually the Boo's laugh sample played back at a very low sample rate with the frequency slowly increasing, and then cut off after a few seconds.
That's the problem with so many of the SM64 sounds - they're sequenced (e.g. the item sound effects), and there's not any way I know of to rip them aside from just the individual samples. If someone knows if they can get clean recordings of those sounds, please tell me. But I can at least get an approximation of Bowser's laugh in Audacity - I can upload the one I have, if you want.
by G-Boy at 2:20 PM EST on February 12, 2017
I know that it's Boo's laugh slowed down, but I couldn't find that sound either.

edited 2:21 PM EST February 12, 2017

edited 2:21 PM EST February 12, 2017

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